Mysterious Author Part 2 [Aziraphale X Reader]

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Aziraphale had been raving about how he was the very first person to receive a signed copy of your latest book. It made your heart sing to see the angel so happy. When you walked into his bookshop, he seemed even happier than before.

"[Y/N], you won't believe what I just received in the mail!"

"It's not another signed copy of that book?" you asked feigning ignorance.

"No, but close! The author wants to host a book signing here! It'll be the first time their face will be known to the public!" Aziraphale gushed. "Can you imagine? It'll be so exciting!"

"That is exciting, Aziraphale. You'll finally get to meet them, huh?"

Aziraphale straightened his bowtie and nodded his head vigorously. "Well, the first time I'll knowingly meet them. I've supposedly already met them."

"Mmm, that's true."

"Well, would you like a cup of hot cocoa or tea, my dear?"

It was the day of the book signing. You had told Aziraphale that you'd be there to support him, but in reality, you were going to be there to...well...sign books. If you were going to be honest with yourself, you were nervous. Not just to meet your readers, but at what Aziraphale's reaction was going to be. Would he be mad at you for not telling him? You certainly hoped not.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and fidgeted with your clothes. "Well, here goes nothing." Quickly, you grabbed a box of markers and self-promos before walking out the door.

It was just a short cab drive away until you were in front of the Aziraphale's bookshop. There was already a line of people out front. Taking a deep breath, you walked past them and rasped your fist against the door to Aziraphale's bookshop. He had it closed so people wouldn't be touching his prized possessions before the signing.

The clink of a knob turning alerted you and the door opened to reveal Aziraphale. He gave you a nervous smile and opened the door for you to come in. You walked in and glanced at the table and chair Aziraphale had prepared.

"Are you ready?" you asked the angel.

"Oh, yes! I'm very excited. Though, I don't know when they'll be here. I am a bit nervous about letting in the wrong person," Aziraphale confessed.

"Don't be." You walked over towards the table and opened the box. You took out the flyers and placed them on the table along with the markers. "I'm already here."

"What do you mean you—" Aziraphale visibly tensed up. His eyes widened and he looked at you with shock. A hand went up to his mouth. "You're them...You're actually them."

You watched him carefully. It was like waiting to see if he was going to be a vicious tiger or a cuddly kitten. You prayed that he'd be like the kitten and wouldn't lash out at you in anger. "Please don't be mad at me, Aziraphale."

"Mad? I'm not mad!" Aziraphale walked over to the seat behind the table and sat. "I'm surprised! Shocked! But not mad." Aziraphale shook his head and closed his eyes. "I could never be mad at you." He looked up at you and smiled. "You wrote one of my favorite books of all time!" You saw drops of water build up in his eyes. The angel chuckle and wiped the tears. His nose sniffed.

You rushed over to his side and knelt down on your knees. You took one of his hands and looked up at him. "Oh, Azirpahle. Why are you crying?"

"The person I'm so desperately in love with is so amazing," Aziraphale's voice dripped with kindness and admiration.

You felt your own tears build up in your eyes. "I love you," you whispered as if you were afraid that being too loud would ruin the moment.

Aziraphale laughed as more tears ran down his face. He spread his arms open and welcomed you into them. The man pressed a soft kiss to the side of your head while holding you close to him.

"We should probably start the signing," you murmured into his chest but made no effort to actually move out of his arms.

"They can wait a few more minutes."

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