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i ran off stage, the rest of the boys following me. the fans were still screaming for us. i smiled while changing. after show limelight was in ten minutes, giving us time to rest.

i rested in jack's arms, on a couch. his heart was beating fast. i'm not gonna lie, we barely have time to be with each other alone anymore. not with all the touring and interviews.

the boys were just talking about what they had seen on stage, some signs that the fans made, what one yelled to corbyn.

it was time to start limelight. the girls that were there were still pretty energetic and made up for what we lacked.

i was talking to two girls, i didn't know if they came together or if they just met here. but they were both wearing my jersey. they told me their names were paisley and andrea.

"so..." andrea smiled. "is jackary real?"

i smiled. it wasn't like i didn't expect the question, so i playfully said. "oh yeah definitely." i called to jack, he wasn't that far from me, where he was talking to three girls. he looked at me and smiled when i blew him a kiss.

the girls giggle.

i got into my bunk in the tour van, sighing when my head hit the pillow. almost immediately jack joined me, pulling me into his side. he didn't say anything and started snoring. i smiled and snuggled closer to him.

the rocking of the van helped me fall asleep.

we got up at nine the next day since we had to do three interviews before our last concert. when we were done getting ready we got into the runner van.

i sat next to jack. it was a semi long ride from where our hotel was to the place where the interview was.

unsurprisingly jack fell asleep, his head on my shoulder. his phone was still out, since we were posting stupid videos only minutes ago. his phone lit up with a notification that he got a message. from someone named gabbie. i couldn't see what it said since he changed the setting to only have the name.

why? he wasn't hiding anything from me was he?

i'm a stupid bitch and u can probably already guess what's gonna happen in this book

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