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daniel waited outside the restroom as i did my business i didn't really know how to work the test so i read the instructions.

just pee on the stick and wait three minutes. cant be that hard, right?

so i peed on the stick and called daniel in.

"what's it say, what's it say?"

"i dunno. we have to wait."

"right." three minutes was a long time. i was anxious and had no nails left when daniels phone went off signaling the end of three minutes.

i shakily reached for the white stick, closing my eyes and sighing before seeing what it said.


my heart stopped. this wasn't possible. i-i'm a guy. guys can't get pregnant.

"what?" daniel moved closer so he can see better. "oh my God. how the-" i threw the stick in the trash and ran out of the restroom. "zach!"

i couldn't breath. tears stung my eyes as i heaved, running out to the back yard. the sun was setting and the air was cold, allowing me to calm down.

"zach, are you okay?" it was jack who had asked. seeing him made me cry harder. how was i gonna tell him? how was i gonna tell him that i was somehow pregnant and it was his?

i couldn't. there was no way. against better judgement i got closer and hugged him, hiding my face in his chest. he rubbed my back and repeated "it's okay" in my ear.

but it wasn't.

hehehe i got real big plans

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