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i ran up to the room before i could do anything drastic. daniel was right behind me. everything was bleary and my cheeks were warm before i made it to his room.

i grabbed a pillow and stuffed my face in it, screaming. daniel sat beside me, comforting me. it took a while to calm down, and then i was only sniffling and hiccuping.

"what am i gonna do? i can't tell him when he knows he's already gonna have a child."

"maybe we should just not tell him. not until we know for sure..." i knew what he meant but i didn't want to think about that possibility.

i nodded. then i groaned and flung myself back onto the bed. "by why did it have to be with her? she was so nice and even helped me and jack. is she like bipolar or something?" daniel let me rant. "i have to tell my mom though. i can't keep this from her."

he shrugged. "i don't see why not."

"alright imma take them out for lunch." i got up and changed and cleaned my face. "let's hope this goes well." i crossed my fingers before exiting his room.

"mom!" i ran down the stairs.

"hunny are you okay?" she wrapped her arms around me.

"yeah. i'm i was thinking we just spend some time together. me, you, dad, ryan, and reese."

she smiled. "that sounds like a great idea."

we ended up going to chipotle. and i ordered more food than usual. which probably tipped my parents off.

"you'd with your big breakfast you would be full still." my dad joked.

i closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "actually i kinda also wanted to tell you guys something."

"you didn't kill anyone did you?" ryan laughed.

"why does everyone think that? no, um, here goes nothing. mom, remember when jack and i first started dating, and you were trying to give me that talk?"


"and i said nothing could happen because i'm a boy. well...i was wrong."

"what does that mean...? oh! oh my God!" my mom, i wasn't worried about as much. she stood up and pulled me into a hug. saying how happy she was. to anyone this would look like maybe i was accepted into college, i hadn't really finished high school though.

when she pulled away, we looked over at dad. he was smiling. as soon as mom stepped away he pulled me into a hug. "i love you zach, no matter what."

"what's going on?" reese said.

"we're gonna have a nephew or niece." ryan explained. he got up and hugged me too.

reese was the last one. she was perfect eye level with my stomach. "i love you little nugget. zach's gonna take good care of you."
tears came to my eyes at her comment. i crouched down and pulled her into a hug.
"uh, zach...can't-breath."

alright so like i said i would explain some dates when the time came. and now is the time. i know lavenders birthday is in april making july the month when gabbie got pregnant but for the book lavenders bd is gonna be pushed back a couple months.

also i did the math for zach's baby and oh boyyyy

also also i wasn't gonna have him tell them like that but then i remembered the chapter from book one and had to


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