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zach's pov

it was gettin closer to the start of the book tour, three days actually, and daniel insisted on going to the doctors before we left.

"just to make sure." he explained.

turns out he made the appointment with out me knowing so we got called it five minutes after we got there. i chewed on my nails, or what was left of them, waiting for the doctor to come in.

"it's gonna be just fine." daniel smiled, sitting next to me. "maybe the test was wrong?"

i nodded and jumped when the doctor knocked on the door and came in.

"zach herron?"

"yeah." i answered, calming my heart.

"i'm doctor wesley. or diana if you prefer. i hear you might be pregnant?"

"yeah, but i'm confused. i thought only girls can get pregnant?"

doctor wesley smiled. "well yes, but there are rare cases when there is male pregnancy. it's riskier."

"what does that mean?" daniel asked before i could.

"it just means that the risk for miscarriage is higher than for women, due to not having the same reproductive system. " (dude i don't even know, i'm making it up) she looked at her clipboard and pulled a machine closer to my bed. "can you lay down for me and bring your shirt up a little?"

i did as told, daniel standing on the other side of my bed. "what will happen if he doesn't have a miscarriage?"

doctor wesley grabbed a wand thing and poured some gel liquid on it. "well then delivery will proceed as normal, though he would need a caesarean."

"a what?" i shivered when she put the wand on my stomach, the gel being cold.

"a c-section." it was quiet as she moved the wand around and focused on the monitor in front of her. i looked at the jumbled mess that was my stomach.

and then i saw something move. "what was that?"

doctor wesley smiled. "that was a fetus." i stared at her incredibly. "congratulations mr. herron, you're having a baby."

so of course i don't know how make pregnancy works or if it's a real thing so imma go off based on regular pregnancy and change it so it makes more sense for a guy

anyway...people really wanna bother me when i have the inspiration to write huh

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