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*two weeks later*
end of tour

jack's pov

did he hate the fact that he was hurting zach? definitely. could he ultimately do something about it? probably. did he? no.

he didn't want to think about it though. he had to meet up with gabbie, but it only made him sadder. and angry.

not at zach or gabbie. but at david, for forcing them to break up, for forcing jack not to tell zach about the plan. zach didn't deserve it and he felt lonely without his usual partner in crime.

"jack?" gabbie day in front of jack, pulling him out of his thoughts. "are you okay?"

he shook his head and sighed. "not really. i can't stop thinking about me lying to zach. about how hurt he is."

"it's okay." she rubbed his arm, trying to comfort him. it didn't really work. "zach is a big boy, he'll heal faster than you think."

"i have a question."

"what is it?" she sat back and drank from the bottle she brought.

"do you actually like me or is it just because of management?"

gabbie sighed. "well...i actually like you and management just helped, i guess. but i know you don't like me like that, so...i don't know."

jack put his head in his hands. "why is life so complicated?"

"it's God testing us, to check our strength. don't worry, it'll be over before you know it." she was quiet. "i actually have an idea."

jack looked up. "what is it?"

i'm sorry short chapter buuuuuuuuut imma make you guys happyyyyyyy

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