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"zach and jack this is a question for you." the interview lady, nicole, said with a smile. i smiled back, already knowing the question. "the fans would like to know...is jackary real?"

"i mean..." jack grabbed my face, i laughed and pushed him away. but i wanted him to kiss me, oh so bad. "but i love zach...and corbyn, daniel, and jonah."

it wasn't a complete lie. he loved all of us, just me a little more.

i was tired after the three interviews and suppressed a groan when i remembered we still meet and greet, a whole show, and limelight to do.

it was two minutes before the show and we were doing our prayer, and even with an arena full of screaming fans all i thought about was jack and the message from 'gabbie'.

after jack left we always told each other what had happened that day, or week depending on our free time. not once did he mention a girl.

i was so distracted i almost missed our handshake and tripped running into the stage. the show started out great and then...i messed on almost every song. during set change, while we changed from our beginning outfits into our second ones, jack came up to me. he slipped his head through his shirt, buckling his overalls. i barely changed my jeans.

"z, are you okay?"

i forced a small smile. "yea, i just...a little distracted." i was touched that jack cared. i wish he cared enough to tell me who gabbie was though.

the rest of the show was okay after that, only a couple of slip ups but other than that...

limelight came, fans asking if i was okay, hoping i got better. i wasn't sick, but appreciated the sentiment either way.

we got back to the tour bus and changed into pajamas. i knocked out as soon as i laid down.

i'm sorry it's short, i promise the next chapter will be more eventful

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