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we all piled into the car the next day, tired because we had to get up early enough to catch the flight. boston, our first stop, was too far for the bus, so we were gonna meet it there.

it was quiet as we all tried not to fall asleep, but it took a while to get there, so i ended up dozing off. daniel shook me awake. i ran to the small bathroom and dry heaved.

"zach are you sure you're gonna be okay?" jonah asked as they got off the bus.

"yeah i'm fine." i pretended to not notice the weird look jack gave me as i passed him.

i could here the screaming of the fans who were able to make it. i don't understand how they find us so easily. i wanted to get onto the plane as soon as possible, in case i had to throw up again, but naturally we spent the time talking to the girls. i fought off the nausea, but they kept asking if i was okay.

"yea. just a bug or something." i waved it off. and despite my excuse they hugged me and wished me well."

"flight 107 to boston massachusetts at gate five, flight 107 to boston massachusetts at gate five."

we said bye to the girls and made our way to the gate, going through security and paying for our bags. i handed the flight attendant lady my ticket and went through the terminal that seemed way to small.

i practical ran onto the plane and into the restroom stall. again nothing came up and it was the worst feeling in the world.

"zach?" corbyn was on the other side.

"i'll be out in a minute." i heaved, coughing.

"maybe you should see a doctor. maybe it's something more than a bug."

i didn't say anything. i couldn't hide this from them any longer and it was soon when they put things together and figure it out, despite me being the opposite gender.

i was in my seat before the pilot made the announcement to put on our seat belts and repeating our destination. daniel made sure have our seats together for the flight, me on the outside in case i needed a quick escape.

i closed my eyes and breathed through my nose as the plane finally took off. we leveled out after five minutes and i laid my head on daniels shoulder falling asleep quickly.

bro my moms gonna look at my search history and be so concerned. but i swear its for research purposes only  !!!

also i might not do a lot of the book promo just to speed the story along but we'll see

anygayyy...imma leave this here and go to sleep. ✌️

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