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it was later and we were all just testing out lyrics and beats for new songs when the front door suddenly opened and david came it. i don't think i moved away from jack so fast.

we all turned to our manager, wondering why he decided to pop in. i was nervous considering the reason we had last saw him. i hadn't really talked to him since.

"hey kiddos." david smiled like everything was fine. "came in to see how everything is going." he looked at jack and i rolled my eyes.

"we're okay." jack answered.

"alright well another reason i'm here is to talk about up coming tour dates." we all moved to the kitchen. i sat next to daniel, he put a hand on my knee.  "so your book is gonna be released soon. and you guys start touring for that the day after. but that won't be until october."

we had two months until then. "is the tour gonna stay in the states?" corbyn asked.

"yes and your last stop will be la. after that we'll talk about the eight letters tour." we all nodded. "alright then i'll be on my way."

he left with that. we immediately went back to the living room and i sat next to jack. "i'm hungry." i whined, leaning back on jack.

"i could post mates chipotle." jonah suggested.

"but i want chicken nuggets."  they all gasped.  "what?"

"zachy doesn't want chipotle." daniel fake-surprised (idk if that's even a real word).

"well i don't want to be on the toilet all night."

"oh right considering you got better things to do."

i frowned, took off my sock ant threw it at jonah. "shut up."

jonah gasped, grabbed the pillow behind him, and threw it at my head. i moved out of the way in time for it to hit jack instead. i held back my giggles.

next thing i know we're having a full out pillow war. it was the fifth time i got hit in the head that i remembered i was hungry. "wait!" they all froze. "i'm still hungry."

"oh yeah." jonah put the pillow under his arm, pulled out his phone and opened post mates. we agreed to have mcdonald's so i could have chicken nuggets. he put his phone away and we continued our pillow fight.

for the point of this story the boys will live in the compound

alright peace out girl scout ✌️

i hate myself

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