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zach's pov

well i spoke to soon. i started feeli since and ended up puking on stage. i ran off and dislocated my knee, again.

they finished the show, but corbyn had to sing my parts. i also didn't go to limelight, because i still felt sick.

and what sucked the most was that i slept by myself that night.

i didn't go to the interviews the next day and spent it texting benji.

benji 🐔
how ya doin

zach 🐥
better physically

but mentally i'm jumping off a bridge

benji 🐔
it couldn't have been that bad

zach 🐥
he knew about it and didn't tell me

and his friend we met a few days ago gabbie the management is making them be together

it's just all stupid

benji 🐔

it must suck to be in the public eye

zach 🐥
it does

and it's not like i can just ignore him
we're in the same tour bus

benji 🐔
don't u guys also have a hotel to stay at

zach 🐥
well yea but...

i don't want to have to do that

and i guess the worst part is that i still love jack

but i don't like him atm

benji 🐔
seems like you got some feelings to sort out

zach 🐥
🙄 ik

hey i gotta go

they're back

benji 🐔
ok ttyl
seen 3:47 pm

"hey zachy, how you doing?" daniel sat beside me, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"good i guess."

"good enough for today's show?" jonah asked. sitting on my other side.

"i guess." jack passed by us and went straight to the lounge in the back. i sighed.

"you guys wanna go to chipotle?" daniel stood up.

"sure." well all stood up but corbyn didn't go to the doors with us.

"actually i'm gonna talk to jack." the fake blonde headed to the back.

"do you want us to bring you a bowl?" jonah calved out.

"i'm good."

i shrugged and walked down the steps.

when we got to chipotle, i ordered my bowl and waited for the boys at a table.

"you know zach if you want to talk about it-"

"i don't want to talk about it. what was done is done and there's nothing we can do to change it. even if it does hurt."

"this is just dumb." jonah sighed. "they can't just do this."

"well they did."

"zach!" it was a girl who screamed it. well little girl. i looked up and saw two girls. one about fifteen and the other about seven. "hi!" she waved her hand quickly.

"hello." the sight of the little girl happy brought a smile to my face. "how are you?"

"i'm good. but i heard you were sick yesterday and brought you cookies."

her older sister smiled and handed zach a bag. she was blushing.

i smiled back and accepted the bag. "that's so sweet of you." i kneeled down and hugged the little girl.

"my sister made them, but she was too shy to say hi." she said into zach's ear, but the older girl heard.

"jainey!" the girl yelled, she was blushing harder.

"well than thank you for the cookies." i got up and hugged the fifteen year old.

"do you want a picture?" jonah suggested.

"yes please." jainey pulled at her sisters sleeve, forcing her to pull her phone out.

we smiled and got ready to take a picture with the two girls. a lady from a near by table got up and offered to take the picture.

"thank you." the lady nodded and handed the phone back to the older girl.

the two girls were gonna walk away but then jainey came back and stood on her tiptoes.

"you're hannah's favorite." she whispered into my ear. i figured hannah was her sister's name.

i smiled again and whispered in her ear, "tell her that she's my favorite too." jainey giggled and joined her sister again. jonah and daniel smiled at me. "what?"

"i think you're gonna be fine." daniel flicked his lettuce at me.

i flicked mine back. "we should go before we're late."

so i'm at a old people daycare center and i don't know how to feel about it

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