18- I Refuse To Admit That's Awkward

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"No Master!!"

"Please, Hoseok, I need to get to work!" I struggled to walk as he clung onto my leg. It was still their time of heat so I was scared he might get a wave of hormones if he sees my underware since I'm wearing a skirt.

And just to be clear- I hate this skirt. I hate every skirt, every high heel, revealing shirts and pants, bikinis, and deep V lines.


I don't know.

But I guess I just like comfy cloths better.

As an idol, I have to wear the "coolest" cloths, and the ones I hate the most is the heels.
That's why as an idol I wear combat colored boots or big shoes. I think their cool and all my fans wear them too.
But today, since I was going to a professional meeting after my meeting with Kai, I need to look professional. But....

It hurts so bad!!!
I can feel every single nerve in my feet crying with pain.

Oh duck it.

"Jin, can you please get me my shoes?" I yell and he runs past us.

"Which pair?" He yells over to us as his head was inside the shoe closet.

"The ones with red, black and white." I yell back to him.

"There you go," He comes back with my shoes and I thank him, "Now I must run back to the kitchen before our lunch will go on flames." He kisses my forehead, "Have a nice day at work!"

"Thank you, Jin. Have a nice day!" I say as I hear Hoseok whine from the ground. I look down at him with a smile and crouch to kiss the top of his head, "Have a good day, Hoseok."

I put the shoes in my bag since I don't have time to change to them. I stay with the annoying heels and walk to my car.

"Bye, boys!" I wave them as they stay at the front door, "Be good!"

"We will, Master!" Jungkook smiles widely.

"Have a nice day, Master!" Namjoon wished for me.

"Buy us some treats!" Yoongi yelled.

"Come back soon!!" Jimin jumps in his place.

I get in my car and start driving. I get to the café and as soon as I enter I see no one else inside except of Kai, who greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hayyyyyy!" I screamed with happiness and ran up to Kai, who walked from behind the counter to give me a big hug.

He lifted me up in the air and twirled around with me in his arms. We we're both laughing uncontrollably and he had set me down. I reached up to kiss his cheek and he moved his face to look at me. We accidently kissed on the lips and both of us retreated with a huge blush over our cheeks.

"S-Sorry." He mumbled, "I always manage to kill the nice mood."

"Awkwardness won't get us if we won't let it." I smiled and booped his nose and he smiled as a response, "See? No harm done."

"Also, is there anyone else here right now?" I looked around to see the place is still deserted.

"Nope. Not except you and I. Why do you ask-"

"IT HURTS SO BADLY HOLY SHIT!" I kicked my heels off and they fell and bounced on the floor away from me, for my sake.
Kai jumped and his eyes widen at my sudden outburst. He backed up a little.

I walked to each heel and held them both away from me. I took them carefully and walked towards the trash can. I threw them both away.

"What are you doing?!" Kai hurried to take the heels out of the trash can.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I took out the other pair of shoes from my bag and put them on while jumping towards the counter, where the food stood happily, just waiting for me to eat it.

"Come on! These probably cost you a fortune!" He whined and tried to shove them in my bag. I was too lazy to argue.

"I made you the order as yesterday... Hope you don't mind." Kai blushed and walked behind the counter.

"Mind?" I almost cry with happiness from the great taste that's in my mouth, "You're an angel!"

"Hehe..." Kai blushed even more.

"And can you please make nine more orders like this?" I asked with with a little hope in my voice. I wanted Kai to eat some too and maybe my boys will like it too.... Who am I kidding, of course they're gonna like it!

"Wow. You're a little hungry..." He chuckles and walks to the kitchen, "But, your wish is my command."

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