25- Ice Skating

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I heard my alarm clock beeping loudly. Then I heard something get smashed against the wall and the beeping stopped.

"Master, please don't buy another one of those unholy things." Yoongi begged.

"I have to, my sweet boy." I called him with a cute name, causing him to blush furiously.
I put my hand on his head, petting his cute little penguin feathers that layed between his mint green locks. I have realised that lately they have been changing from mint to white, and some in between. Today was bright white.

"I smell hormones from you, hyung." The bunny said, "You smell like Tae did when he became bubbly."

"No I don't." Yoongi took a deep breath to maintain himself.

"Get off of me I really gotta pee and you guys are squishing me." I said and Taehyung immediately got off of me, almost through his slumber. After him, lazily followed the other six. I walked to the bathroom and did my business. By the time I was out they were already downstairs, at the kitchen, waiting for me to come and pick a name from the box.

I walked downstairs and straight to the box. I could feel their gaze locked on me as I picked one of the notes.

"Yoongi." I said. All I heard were whines. And Yoongi quickly went to my side.

"I want us to go to bed together and alone." He said simply with no hesitation.

"In what mean?" I was scared to ask but did so anyway. "The cuddly and sleepy, or... You know?"

"Why not both." He dragged me to the bedroom.

"No." I pushed his hands off. "This is inappropriate. Choose something else." He bit his bottom lip in frustration, thinking about what he could suggest. Suddenly, he looked at me and titled his head.

"How are you on ice?" He asked. As he saw my horrified look, his face changed into a devilish smirk. "I guess were going skating, Master."

"Oh god." I whined, running up the stairs, "I will get ready fast just save me some food for breakfast."

"You got it!" I heard Jin yell to me as I jogged up the stairs.

I got ready and took a warm hoodie in a bag in case I get cold. I kept staring at myself in the mirror, questioning my life decisions, when I heard a knock on the door. Jimin walked in, smiling, with a tray of food in his hands.

"We figured you may be a little tired since you've been sitting in front of the mirror for about... Twenty minutes." He pets my head like I do to him. "Are you okay, Master?"

"Yes, baby. Thank you." I say, cupping his cheek with my right hand. He smiled and blushed, leaning into my hand.

"Master!!!" I heard Yoongi singing from downstairs, "Let's goooo!"

"Oh dear." I said and rubbed Jimin's cheek sweetly before going downstairs with the tray. I took a few big bites out of everything and finished it off quickly.

"Come on, Master." Yoongi pulled me to the front door. I quickly took my keys, phone and wallet.

"Goodbye boys, be good!" I say and they wave us goodbye.

Yoongi and I got to the car and he seemed a bit nervous.

"It's your first time being outside, right?" I asked. "You've been at the shop, then in the shopping bag until I got home, and you haven't left the house since."

"Yeah." He said with a smile. "But I can't be afraid when you're with me, Master. All the negative thoughts go away when I'm with you."

"Good." I smiled and drove off.

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