Walk Home

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Thank you to every continuous reader from my account And if you're new, how about you go read my other books

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It's tiring but necessary. You just wished you lived a little closer, maybe you wouldn't dislike it so much if it didn't take you close to an hour to get there.

You go to U.A, you were quite frankly Surprised when you got accepted. You, of all people, you got accepted. You don't even put the effort in at school, you kinda lounged around in the exam too. It's not like your quirk is special.
Your quirk is teleportation. Well, to an extent.
You can teleport small objects within around a ten-foot radio and when relaxed you can teleport yourself. But your quirk only works when you relax, you also have got to have enough energy.
When you panic you sometimes only teleport half an object maybe two feet or about a rulers length away from it's original spot. It kinda fizzes and usually makes a lil bang, Atoms don't really like being messed with and you mess with them a lot.
Also, when you teleport yourself you get like a slushy feeling in your stomach. Like it's made out of Cotten candy with ants inside. The feeling can make you really sick.

However, when you relax; your quirk is the easiest thing to control. You just stand one place then appear another. Of course, it's only a few meters away but you don't feel sick and you can smoothly teleport again.
You wish you were able to teleport home from school. Technically you could, you'd just feel really sick and tired afterwards.

You have to walk to the train station, it takes around a twenty to thirty-minute train at Primetime in a hot stuffy station, then you have to walk home which is a solid fifteen-minute walk if you don't get distracted on the way.
It's not the most horrific of routes to travel but you were practically down the road from your old school.

At least you get exercise from all the walking and extra time to do homework on the train. Oh also, if you wake up five minutes late, you've missed your train and will have to wait an hour until the next. That has lead to many detentions.
In fact, you're just coming back from one now.

Mr Aizawa, your Homeroom Teacher, thinks you don't put enough effort into your work. However, you think Mr Aizawa doesn't put enough 'effort' into his teaching. He's always asleep, he ignores The gross grape Mineta's sexual Assault on all the girls in the class and he thinks that threatening his students with expulsions is a 'teaching tactic'.
You swear whenever Mr Aizawa has had a bad day he likes to take it out on you specifically.

So yeah, arriving home an hour late every day is lovely. It only completely concerns your parents. They must think you're purposely trying to ditch them to get out of chores, it'll explain why they've been harsher on you recently.

You look up from the pavement below you, there's a crossing up ahead and you usually forget about it. There's a train track below you, sometimes you can use it to tell how late your train is. If there's a red light at the tracks then you can walk, if it's green you have to run and if you can't see it, well, that's most likely because the train is blocking your view and you've definitely missed it then.

As you're looking at the train tracks below, you walk straight into something hard yet human.
"Hey, watch where you're going." You mutter in a harsh tone as you balance yourself.
"I could say the same thing to you, I am keeping to the respective side of the pavement!" The dude responds.
"Respective side?! Don't hit me with that bullshit. Get out of my way so I can just go home already." You shove your hands into your jacket pockets and scowl at the man, he's tall with glasses and blue hair. "Oh, Not you again!" You instantly grunt as you visible flinch at his presence.

"Hey! You're that no-good student in my Class. You go to U.A. You know, there's no time to be sleeping in lessons, blatantly ignoring our teachers and handing in homework Late and incorrect. The school has standards and quite frankly you don't meet them. You need to start getting your act together or you'll be kicked out." You Hate this dude. Every day since he became class representative he'd go out of his way to remind you that you're the worst student in the class. If it wasn't for Kaminari you would be dead last.
This dude always pushes his glasses up, becomes a square and looks down on you as he lists everything you're doing wrong 'You shouldn't be sleeping' 'you should start doing your work' 'you'll bring the whole class down if you keep up this attitude.'
You're not that bad.

"I may suck at school but at least I'm a good person. You don't see me telling people everything they're doing wrong!" You snap with your words and keep your tense posture. The traffic lights turn red and you click your tongue. "Who cares, you're not worth missing my train over. If you want to tell me I'm a disappointment keep it strictly for school times." And with that, you cross the road.
You hear small mutters of annoyance from your class rep, Tenya Iida, it's one thing that he's bossy and another that he's stupidly rich. Money must make people horrible.

You hate how this dude affects you. You could be having a perfectly good day then as soon as something goes wrong he's there to tell you about it. To shove it in your face and tell you why it'll lead to your expulsion. It's so annoying. You doubt yourself enough already, you don't need him adding to that. And it doesn't get out of your head!

You walk the rest of the way to the train station questioning if you even deserve to be at U.A. In the entry exam you just teleported yourself to the control panels of every robot and ripped the wires out. You also got a few points for saving people. That exploding idiot, Bakugou, (you sit next to him in class) he was destroying robots left and right. You kept teleporting the rubble away from injured people and well, yourself.
Then on the written exam, you just bullshitted your way through it. There were like five multiple-choice questions which you guessed correctly and when it asked for you to state a law you put 'Don't kill people'.
An actual Idiot could pass that test. Hence how Kaminari Denki got accepted. He's actually pretty funny though. You chat with each other a lot in class. Which usually leads to another reason for the Class Rep to shout at you.

You hate him so much. He exists to piss you off and it's not even like he's trying to help. If he told you what you were doing wrong then helped, maybe you wouldn't mind. But no, he just shouts, he just goes on and on.

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He couldn't be more annoying
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