Frequently asked questions

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Are you planning to create a trailer video for this story or it already has one? If yes, where is it? I'm very curious!

Unfortunately The Survivors is one of the only books I didn't make a trailer for. This fan fiction idea came to me very suddenly, so I rushed into writing it without creating a trailer first. I do plan on making a trailer for it so look forwards to that ;)

Will hobi get over daisy? Why did daisy have to die? When is the new character going to show up and will that character replace Daisy?

You guys will have to read book 2 to find out what becomes of Hoseok. 

As for the new female character, no one could ever replace Daisy. Daisy was literally the embodiment of myself. I have natural brown curly hair and green eyes, I love the little things in life, and I completely freeze up in scary situations. She isn't me, but she has elements of myself which I love so much about her. She is the best character I have ever written and no one could replace her... but thats not to say that the new female character won't be just as good. 

Why couldn't the group travel around the city?

If anyone is familiar with cities, you know that the area around them is pretty built up. The squad was trying to travel back into their hometown which was located directly on the other side of the city. It was stated in one of the chapters from day zero that there was only one road that lead through the town, and that road happened to lead through the city. Because Hoseok planned to drive the van the entire way, the city road was their only option to reach their hometown. 

How many chapters will book 2 be? How long will it take for the story to completely finish?

I predict book 2 to only be around 20-35 chapters. Book 2 will have a lot more frequent updates and will be finished in around one month. 

How does Jungkook's immunity work?

Whilst Jungkook's mother was pregnant, she became infected. Because Jungkook was still developing inside the womb, the cordyceps would've been transferred from his mother onto him.

Jungkook's mother was given a drug or a 'test vaccine' that also traveled to Jungkook. Because he was still developing, the drug altered his immune system and Jungkook was able to keep the Cordyceps virus at bay. 

He never got rid of the virus, his body just adapted to it before he was born. 

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