Chapter 14: Cold Workout

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(Warning: sexual content ahead no lemons but sexual action ahead. You have been warned)

Narrator POV

Leon and Marie were reunited and had a night of bliss. The two fell asleep on the lumpy couch. Leon had his head back and was sitting up while Marie was snuggled on Leon's lap. It was peaceful. Leon had cleared another sector, he came back to Marie, no sign of Skarlet...All was normal!


A roaring sound of thunder could be heard from outside. Then rain drops was heard hitting on the roof. The smell of rain filled the air.


Leon woke up real quick after that one.

Leon POV

Leon: Ahh! Oh...Its just a storm...ugghhhh

His eyes were low and groggy. He rubbed his eyes and tried getting up but felt something heavy. Leon looked down to see a snoring Marie. He smiled, she looked to cute to wake up so, Leon gently slipped over her and tip toed around her. He layed her head on a couch pillow.

Leon: There. He rubbed Maries head and began to walk off until his leg was grabbed. Marie was still asleep but possibly dreaming.

Marie: Nooo....Stayyyy....

Leon chuckled. He couldn't just stand there and let Marie hug his leg, so he slowly swapped her arms with the Callie plushie Marie had. He did it with success. Marie snuggled the doll and smiled in her sleep.

Leon: Heh works like a charm...I wonder how my sister is doing?

He thought for a while at this but shook it off and approached a window. The rain was pouring but not hard. He saw lightning and was in awe. He loved watching storms when he was a child. His eyes were wandering at the window until he noticed something. The back of the shack had a full weight training area. Leons eyes shot up and beemed!

Leon: The worlds on my shoulders...But a little work out wouldn't hurt! Gotta stay in shape if im gonna rescue Callie!

Leon realized something. The weights were outside...In the rain...And mud...His smile just grew bigger.

Leon: Nothing more badass than a soldier working out in the rain!

Leon then turned to leave to his room and changed. He threw his shirt off but put on nothing on his body. He put on black training sweats. He then looked in the mirror and growled

Leon: Get'em tiger!

After he was done being a goof in the mirror, he made his way to the kitchen. He filled a water bottle up and grabbed a rag. He was ready. He made his way to the door but stopped to look back at Marie.

Leon: Im going to get stronger Marie. Callie will be back in no time.  He said to himself. Marie forgot to untie her tentacles. She slept with her classic hairstyle.

Leon: Shes going to have insane bed head when she wakes up...heh

He really liked Marie now. He didn't want any danger to come near her. He would protect her with his life. His trust with her is high. Only one obstacle in his way.

Leon: (Does she like me back? I mean after last night...AHH Enough, there are more important things in the world right now)

Leon shook his head and smirked and walked out the door.


More thunder clashed violently. Leon was in the rain and was already soaked. He looked at the dark clouds and breathed in and out.

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 1 *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now