1. Loki

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Something is following me. The moment I stepped out of Virgo Laboratory's building, I could feel a presence with me. No matter how many times I turn back, I will only find my shadow through the moonlight beaming down the street of Jupiter. Even during the fifteen minutes of driving home, no matter how loud I turned up my car radio, the presence lingered.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I've been a little cautious about being out at night lately. There has been a lot of weird shit happening throughout the country for almost a year now. Homicide at midnight, Bigfoot-like creature captured on blurry video, animal hunting party in several national parks, and people disappearing out of the blue. Conspiracy theorists have never been so active and the amount of them is sky rocketing per day. The government desperately tries to calm its people down, while NASA does their best to provide explanation for the events. So, I can't be blamed for being paranoid.

For all I know, I could be next.

When I parked in front of my apartment, I found myself frozen on the driver's seat. My hands are clenching on the steering wheel, and my heart is beating faster than the speed of light. Now if only I can run just as fast, I wouldn't be sweating like hell right now.

"Come on. Don't be a scaredy cat."

I took a deep breath, getting the pepper spray from my backpack. Then, I took my key and got out of my car. Instantly, I was embraced in the chilly summer wind. My hair danced with its whistle, causing hair from the back of my neck to stand. As I pressed the lock button of my car key, I caught movement from the corner of my eyes. It came from my right side, a few feet away behind my car. 

Whatever it has, it had red eyes. It was bright and glowing through pitch black darkness.

I'm going to die tonight, aren't I?

Gulping, I held my pepper spray tighter and quietly marched towards the three-story apartment building. I was expecting something to grab me as I passed by the small alley between my apartment and the next one, but I survived. For now. Still, I kept my defenses up as I climbed the stairs all the way up to the third floor. I looked at my room all the way at the end of the hallway. Almost there.

My footsteps caused the wooden floors to squeak, sounding like a roar through the silence. And as soon as that happened, another set of footsteps rang behind me, followed by something hissing. Then, something latched onto my right ankle.

I screamed and stumbled, and my back hit a wall of the narrow hallway. I shook my leg to get rid of whatever was on me while my eyes are shut tight.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit.


I screamed again as a hand fell on my shoulder. Forcing my eyes open, I see a man with dark brown curly hair and dark blue eyes staring back at me, struggling to suppress a grin. Not far from him, I see a white feline creature, baring her sharp teeth at me as usual, while glaring at me with her amber eyes.

"Orion!" I pushed his hand off me, loudly sighing in relief. "What the fuck dude I thought you were a demon that's about to eat me."

My next door neighbor put his hands on his hips, looking very amused. "What kind of desperate demon would put themselves in so much harm to go after you?" He snickered, before pointing down to my ankle. "Well, I guess there's one."

I brought my gaze down to find the creature that decided to attack me -- or my leg. The first thing that I noticed is the red eye. It wasn't glowing like the pair I saw not too long ago though. One dark red eye, and the eye on the right is violet colored. The right eye blinked as the creature wrapped itself around my leg. The black furred thing purred and decided to sit on my sneakers.

"Hello, demon."

Orion gave a scowl. "He's been trying to scratch me all afternoon, trying to run away. He sees you for one second and suddenly he's melting onto your feet." I picked up the black cat and held it like a baby in my arms, then I gave it a slight scratch behind the ears. The creature purred even louder, nuzzling his face against my chest. "His name is Loki."

The cat hissed at the name before returning to rubbing his face against my shirt.

"Loki? Like - " I laughed. "Like Loki, Trickster God of Mischief?" Orion nodded, crossing his muscular arms. "So you have another cat? That one isn't enough?" I glanced at the white cat standing by Orion's opened door. Hermione, the ferocious thing, has never been fond of me ever since Orion had asked me to babysit her for a weekend. I was an excellent cat taker. "This is the important thing you had to do today? Why you missed work?" Orion, father of cats, smiled sheepishly, not even denying it. "Loki and Hermione, huh? Who's next? Melisandre?" 

"Whatever." Orion murmured, taking Loki from my arms. The black cat cried angrily and brought out his murder weapons, sharp nails, and tried to scratch his owner's face. Orion dodged and grunted. "At least this one likes you."

"Can't blame him." I joked, flipping my hair over my shoulder. "Anyway, thanks for the jumps scare. Be glad I didn't pepper spray you by accident." On that note, if someone else had grabbed me, I would have failed to pepper spray them and they'd be able to kill me. I guess having a weapon doesn't mean shit unless you actually know how to wield it. "It's late. I'm so tired that I think I'm seeing things." I did just watch a horror movie this weekend. Maybe my mind is just reminding me of it because human brain is weird. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Orion nodded and began walking back to his own apartment. "Yeah, goodnight. See you tomorrow." After a wave of hand, I headed to my apartment. As I entered, I was reminded that I forgot to close my balcony's door. Again. The wind had made its way in my room, scattering light objects all over the place. There goes my bills and fast food coupons.

"Damn it."

I stomped over towards the balcony and slid the door closed. However, while doing so, I felt that creepy feeling again. It isn't just paranoia. From work to my own house, I sensed it. Something is following me.

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