33. Brothers

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Zander kept a cautious glare at the witch across from him, not moving a muscle or blinking an eye. His older brother stared back with confusion, brows furrowed and head slightly tilted. Though, Florencia put a hand on his shoulder for a second, causing the older Farvale to raise his head up, puff his chest out and put on a small grin.

"I see that this is an unexpected family reunion."

Yeah, no shit. We can all see that.

Zander didn't spare Florencia his attention, keeping all of it towards his brother.

"Alexander, Orion, and Astoria. Let me introduce to you the newest member of Aquila: Samuel Farvale of Ignis coven."

The confirmation of his name had the other people in the dining hall whispering to each other. Most of them looked shocked, some were quite angry, and there were a few who didn't exactly know or care about him. After a few seconds of dead silence, Zander finally spoke, shaking his head with disapproval.

"Can't say I'm surprised." No matter how intense his glare was earlier, his tone didn't sound aggressive at all. It was more casual yet cold. "I don't know whether to be more disappointed at the fact that you're somehow alive, or that you've joined the witch that ruined Queen's Garden and killed our mother."

Samuel let out a laugh, throwing his hands in his pockets. "As if you cared about Queen's Garden, or our mother." Zander said nothing, though I sensed that he wanted to. "I am quite surprised that you are still alive, however. But to end up as a powerless idiot prisoner? That, I could definitely have seen coming."

I could feel my own blood boiling as I watched Samuel mock his brother in front of all these people. One would think that the normal reaction to miraculously seeing your brother alive is to be happy and appreciate that they have another chance of reconnecting with a family member. Apologize, make up for everything they've done wrongly, and grow stronger together. I guess neither Zaner or Samuel felt that way.

Before anyone else could say a word, Florencia stepped forward and immediately stole everyone's attention. She kept her hands on her sides, head raised high, displaying perfect royalty posture. Once again, I am reminded, just with her appearance, how much power she really holds. Just the sight of her alone could have people bowing and surrendering. Add the intelligence and magic, and they have the perfect leader.

"People of Queen's Garden." She began, lilac eyes scanning the reaction of the room. Some looked as if they are ready to jump on her at any second and if not for their cuffs and the guards, they would have done so already. Several are glaring and clenching their jaws and fists with anger, while there are also a good group that are cowering with fear. One thing for sure is that absolutely not one of the prisoners would submit to her at any point. "Soon to be people of Queen's Den."

The name got heads turning with confusion.

This is the first time she's sharing her plan to the prisoners.

"You will not have to wait long until you all come to your new home. A place where you truly belong. I have been working hard to make sure that every one of you end up in your rightful places. I was chosen for it. To be the savior. Soon, I will fulfill my duty and will assure that the future is bright and safe." There she goes again with her Chosen One bullshit. Just say you want to be Queen Cersei and go. "I only advice you all to cherish what you have now, as your lives will never be the same once you are in Queen's Den."

After a second she finished her speech, the crowd erupted with cries, questions, and curses. Some of the ones with more confidence stood up and tried to walk up to Florencia herself, though the guards were fast enough to catch him and push him back to the tables. The other guards stood by the aisles, creating a clear path for Florencia as she strutted towards the doors of the dining hall, which is right where we're standing.

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