Ch. 14

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Peter was sure that villains must come with a little pamphlet that told them what points to hit in order to be a villain.

For example:

Evil hidden thing will be hidden in warehouse or manufacturing plant.

This particular setting happened to be a warehouse connected to a manufacturing plant. It was his lucky day! The concrete walls of the exterior heightened the musky smell that seemed to plague these particular locations. The damp night air only made it worse.

The lack of creativity, smell, and need to stick to the stereotype got on his nerves. However, Peter would take 50 warehouse lairs if it meant Deadpool was quiet for 5 minutes. He wasn't sure if it was because Tony wasn't there or what, but this was a different Deadpool than the one he met that morning. His volume and vulgarity had increased drastically compared to how he acted at the tower and cafe. To be honest, Deadpool was trying Peter's patients.

"Hey, Spidy! Who do you think rocks the spandex more? Black Widow or Cap? Personally I think Cap can pull off anything, but that's just my hot take. What do you think?" Deadpool rambled next to him as they approached the loading dock. "Come on, Spidy! Both are hotter and the sun! What's your preference?" The merc  urged insistently. The eagerness in his voice did not go unnoticed.

Peter decided that he would take this opportunity to allow himself to be petty. "Well, PETER has told me that lots of people think I 'rock' the spandex look the best. Something about my ass..." Peter made sure to innocently tilt his head as he let himself trail off. Deadpool immediately stiffed and an audible choke came from him. He hunched over and started coughing, seemingly trying his best to get ahold of himself.

Peter grinned under his mask at Deadpool's reaction. It wasn't much revenge wise, but it would have to do for now. Besides, he was still embarrassed by the stunt he pulled at the cafe. "Anyway, you sure this is the place?" Peter tried to sound as neutral as possible.

Deadpool coughed hard one last time, then straightened himself up. "Y-Yep! This is where my contact said Hydra was last seen poking around." He wheezed out.

"Wonderful!" Peter chirped out. "Shall we go take a look?" He was starting to get jittery, excitement rising in him. Finally, he was going to get some answers. The pure thought of it was inching him closer to the loading dock doors.

"Sounds good to me, baby boy!" Wade boasted out, leading the way in full stride. "But remember! I'm here to keep YOU safe! Don't want to make Petey cry if you got hurt." He snapped the door open and entered the building.

Peter let out a sigh as he followed the merc in. "Alright, alright! I'll do my best to not die! Now let's get this done!" His impatience  and curiosity taking him over.  This was it! After tonight, things might finally go back to normal.

At least... that's what he thought.

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