Ch. 22

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One thing came to Peter's mind in that moment.

Fuck Parker luck.

Peter's face was burning up, this was awful. Wade had locked eyes with him as soon as he entered the room. As much as he loved Jonny, he could kill him at this moment. Peter and Wade's relationship was awkward at best, now he was caught in this situation, shirtless no less. It was obvious the merc was unsure how to react to the situation. Impossible to react properly, Peter was panicking. He had to act fast. Sadly Jonny was faster.

Leaping into action, he put himself in between Deadpool and Peter. His stance was protective and dangerous.


Bright hot flames filled the area, causing everyone to step back a little. Peter was startled by the reaction, guess Jonny was sobering up a little...

Peter's lack of reaction seemed to piss Jonny off a little.
"Shit Peter! Run!! They hired Deadpool!!!! Run!!!!!"

Wade put a hand on his hip and the other to his chest, full sass mode activated.

"Ex-squeezes me?! How dare you think I would hurt the cute cinnamon roll!" Wade squawked out offended.

"Liar!! You know that's shit!" Jonny spat out in full fury. "Pete RUN!!!"

"Wait! Jonny—" Peter started, but was cut off by Tony stepping in.

"No you drunk baby, I hired him. He's supposed to be here, unlike some people!" The growl in his voice did not unnoticed.

"Tony, that's enough. The kid's just worried." Steve reasoned.

"Mr. Stark please." Peter pleaded, the two of them teamed up caused Tony to deflate. Peter then turned his attention back to the flames. "Jonny, it's ok. I'll be fine. Now go get some sleep, you're going to have a hell of a headache later." Peter did his best to seem relaxed. "Please?"

In response, Jonny's flames faded out and he walked over to Peter, going back to hugging him. Peter let out a sigh and turned to Tony.

"I'll be right back, gotta make sure he doesn't hurt himself."

Parker luck needed to take a break.


After tucking in the drunk Jonny, Peter put on a shirt and returned to the living room. Tony looked over to Peter with a giant grin on his face, it had been a while since he's smiled that big. Steve look just as happy if not more!

"Peter! You won't believe what wade has found out!" Steve said excitedly.

"W-What happened?" Peter let out nervously. God knows where this was going based off how the morning started.

Wade paused a moment before he spoke up.

"I know where Hydra is."



I hope everyone is doing well in quarantine. Stay Healthy!

I gave the warning in the last chapter because I know that even if you hardly hint at some things, it's better to give a heads up just to be on the safe side.

This is my first fanfic, so thank you all for reading it and I hope you all enjoy!

I will try to upload more and keep the plot moving forward, but who knows with my attention span!!!

Please bare with me.

Thank you again and be safe!❤️

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