Ch. 23

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The night was filled with the sounds of traffic as Wade waited on the roof of the building the heroes agreed to meet Spider-Man. Tony and Steve had made it clear that Spider-Man would be very upset if they raided the hideout without him. Wade would have preferred if they just get it over with. His last outing with the web crawler had not gone so well, and he was not looking forward to the awkward interactions.

[Looking forward to that ass though!]

"Oh shut up." Wade snapped, earning questioning looks from the two heroes. Steve cleared his throat uncontrollably as Tony rolled his eyes.

"Wilson, do you think you could keep your voices quiet for at least the time it takes to get in there? I'd rather they not shoot at us more than necessary."

"I will attempt oh IronLord!" Wade hissed with an exaggerated bow.

"Behave you two. Spider-Man will be here soon, I doubt you'd want him see you acting like children. This whole ordeal has been hard on him, let's not add to that." Steve spoke in what Wade could only refer to as his 'dad' tone.

(Bet IronDick calls him Daddy.)

[Bullshit. IronDick is 100% a sugar-daddy. No questions asked.]

(Maybe to Peter...)

[Ew. No.]

(What? It could be possible!)

[Pretty sure Pete's with Webs. Besides you nasty.]

(It adds to my totally existing character.)

[Sure Jan.]

(You whore.)

Wade shook his head a little. "Yeah. Yeah totally. No problem Capsicle!"

Steve just sighed heavily. "Thank you Deadpool... Tony?"

After a pause, Tony mumbled out something, and Steve decided it was good enough.


Not five minutes late they all heard a Phwip, and the spider landed beside them.

"Sorry to make you guys wait!" Spidy said in an almost cheerful and bubbly tone. "I was struggling to get coffee when I got your message." Wade did not fail to notice how relaxed and at ease he was around IronDick and Cap. It was infectious, causing the other two heroes to loosen up a little as they approach him. A smile crept up on Caps face as he put a hand on Spidy's shoulder. The gentle laugh that came out of Spider-Man as Tony poked his side was world changing. A complete 180 from when they last were together.

"Oh no. Let's wait a bit more. Not like our favorite vigilante's in peril, or hasn't slept in days! Let's feed that caffeine addiction! Did you break the coffee machine again?" Tony joked lightly.

Spider-Man gasped dramatically. "I would never break it after the fifth time!" He turned to Deadpool, "I'm not that impressive." He giggled out, which was making Wade feel funny things again.

"Wait... FIFTH?!?" Cap shilled out as the two laughed. Wade just looked on in complete confusion and awkwardness. Was — was this an inside joke they had? Just how close to Spidy was the Avengers?

(This is...)


(I can't stand it.)

[Please stop them!]

"Soooooo..." Wade loudly held out, grabbing the others attention. "Now that your here, how about we go crack some skulls?"


"Sounds good to me!" Tony said cutting Spider-Man off. "Let's go!"

"Glad we're in agreement." Cap chimed in, with that leadership attitude that Wade found amusing.


The hydra base was not prepared for what was coming their way. Ironman came blasting through the front door, laser cannons firing at any target FRIDAY identified as a threat. Cap and Deadpool charged in behind, taking out anyone he missed and securing the area. From the back crept Spider-Man, looking into each room, searching for any and all things that seemed important or involving him. That isn't to say he didn't get his own share of butt kicking! His fight style actually complimented Deadpool's very nicely, they even had a few coordinated attacks. It was a dance, a dangerous dance, and they were on fire. Spider-Man moved with so much grace and yet so much power, it was no surprise that he was acknowledged by the Avengers.

By the time they got to the main laboratory, there wasn't a soul left that hadn't been incapacitated. Spider-Man has also grabbed a few folders and thumb-drives along the way.

There in the center of the room was a broken tank, that seemed to used to be full of some sort of chemicals. Cautiously, they all approached, looking for any signs of the person who had done it.

"Did—did they get away?" Spidy let out in a concerned voice.

"Seems that way." Cap said a bit deflated.

"They sabotage their own work just to keep us from finding it, a crack shot last effort." Tony commentating as he took a sample using a feature in his suit.

"Welp. Nothing left to do now but call in the Patty wagon!" Wade cheered out in joy. "And get my paycheck!"

"We still gotta figure out what they wanted." Cap pointed out, just as Wade was turning the head out the door. "And where they went."


[It does mean more time with Spidy and possibly Peter~]

"Ugh!! Fine. But I want tacos first!" Wade whined in a childlike tone.Tony whipped around and looked as though he was about to snap at him, but Spider-Man spoke up first.

"A-Actually I'm kinda up for tacos too."

After a moment of recoil, Tony caved. "Alright! But you both need to learn to cut back on the cheap Mexican food."

"NEVER!!!" Spidy and Wade said in unison with the same determination.

"JINX!!!" Spidy let out aggressively, making Wade jump. Deadpool's recoil caused Spider-Man to laugh, lifting his slight disappointed demeanor. Wade just looked on in at the man.



'I think I'm in love!'

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