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At the other end of the hall, stepped seven extremely charming boys. 

"Remember guys, this year better not be a quiet one. We're here to change this school,"

Their leader, Kim Namjoon, son of Athena, goddess of Wisdom and Strategy. He was one of those rare demigods who were one with the cold, his aura was winter. Namjoon, also known as RM, was adorned in a simple and tight white button-up, a denim coat, and jeans. He had dark sunglasses on, with Minerva's signature owl seated at the corner of the legs and rim. His violet-purple hair was full of volume, and was parted to the right. As the son of Athena, his brilliance was incomparable, even when he didn't try he'd always be top three in class. Other than boosted intelligence, he was also given the ability to shape shift in a bald eagle.

To the right of RM, stood the eldest member of the boys, Seokjin, or Jin for short. Son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, he was known to be a charmer who caught the eyes boys and girls alike. He wore a simple leather ensemble, but with pink accents all over the place. Not to forget his baby pink hair, that somehow fit him extremely well. Pink, his favorite color, which also signified love and was a shade lighter than that of the devil. He may be a charmer, but he was an even bigger heart-breaker.

To the left of the leader stood Min Yoongi, also known as Suga- short for Shooting Guard. He was the second oldest of the group, yet he always acted like an old grumpy grandpa, but he was secretly a soft lil' meow meow. His hair was dark green-black shade, and the boy was clad in all black. except for his gray shirt and the pedant necklace around his neck made of frozen-in-time water. A special trick of his which he normally used to create weapons out of salty sea waters. Being the son of the greek god of water, Poseidon, an having a water aura along with it, his elemental abilities were beyond that of regular child of Poseidon or water aura demi-god.

Next to Suga, stood Jung Hoseok, also known as j-hope, or Hobi. The bright and cheery boy was the son of the Sun God, Apollo. Never underestimate him because of his ball of sunshine personality though, once angry, his fire manipulation abilities trap you in an endless flame. Nevertheless, Hobi was adorned in bright and colorful outfit, clearly standing out. Although he wore black shorts, he had on a orange, yellow, and baby pink tank paired with a denim jacket. Even his soft locks were a dark orange hue.

Now enough with the eldest members, lets move onto the youngest three, known for their good looks, golden voices, and athletic builds.

The eldest of the youngest, Park Jimin, was the son of Aphrodite as well. Making he and Jin half-brothers, because of their shared parent, and just like his brother, Jimin was also one of the top heartthrobs of the school. His silver-dyed hair was enough to make girls choke. He was clad in a white turtle neck paired with a letter jacket, letter pants, and a gray chocker that made girls think, "Please choke me!"

Just a couple months younger than Jimin, was Kim Taehyung, also known as V in the gang world. Yes, he was an active member of the underground casino, ironically named, The Underworld. I mean, I guess its what you'd expect from a child of Hades, the god of the Underworld. His charcoal hair as dark as the river of Styx, and his voice as deep as the lowest part of Tartarus. He, similar to Suga, was clad in all black. Except for the cheetah print coat he wore of his ebony button-down shirt.

And finally, the golden maknae, Jeon Jungkook. Good at everything he tries, fantastic at everything he does. There was no competition, if he was participating. He was always first.

Unless it's math. Math, wasn't something he was good at, but everyone isn't good at something, right?

Anyhow, Jungkook's black locks were parted to the left, slightly abnormal, but it looked fabulous on him. He wore denim jeans, a white, tight, t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. His determined ocean blue eyes piercing girls hearts left and right. Of course, the boy didn't actually have blue eyes, but everyone told he looked extremely handsome when his eyes were the said shade.

And Jungkook loves attention.

The seven stepped in unison, getting looks and stares from students around. The school locker system was divided into two sections, one for boys and one section for girls. Boys were at the east wing, and girls the west. Course, the hormonal students hated this, but did the teachers care? Not. In. The. Least.

"So, school years finally started, and I'm pretty sure RM hyung is in all the honors classes so I wont even bother checking schedules with him," Jimin spoke as the septet reached their locker section.

Jin laughed his iconic windshield wiping laugh before chaining to a straight face, "Jimin, you need to stop fucking forgetting that mom somehow persuaded the Headmaster to put us in the Honor Roll for math and Greek literature class!"

"And we all know there is only one way she could have persuaded the perverted old hag." Jungkook not-so-quietly whispered to himself, receiving a smack on his head by Suga, "Awww! Hyung!" He whined.

"Don't forget she's a goddamn goddess Jungkook,"

"Suga hyungs right Kook, but enough of that. time to make this our year guys. Were going to leave stain on this pure school." RM interrupted, slamming his locker a little too hard.

"Eveything you said is great RM hyung, but can someone please help me open my fucking bag?" V pleaded as he groaned out frustration. The poor guy was ready to rip his bag apart any second.

"Great, first day and Tae already screwed up," Suga smacked his forehead, yes, though these boys were hot, powerful, and dark, they were still klutzy young adults who had no idea what they were going to do with their lives.

They could turn into dancing singers and rappers for all the gods know.

*Sigh* Its definitely going to be a long year everyone. 

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