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The morning that followed the morning of the group meeting was far from normal.

The new, shocking information from the previous night clouded any worries about the upcoming exams, and the looming assembly where the Head's of school were going to address the event from last night was only a fraction of their worries.

Jungkook stood in his shower and lathered the shampoo through his roots.

The calming motion helped clear his thoughts as he recollected everything his hyungs his told him during dinner last night and breakfast this morning. Devils ran this school. That, for one, was determined as fact. It was even more bizarre thathe hadn't known this, why hadn't he? It wa skey info that he should have been warned about! 

Even more so there was the issue of who. Who were Devils, and who weren't? Who could they trust, and who could they not?

His thoughts wandered to last ngith again. It was clear that everyone was scared. There was so much they didn't know, and only so much they could learn before they all went mad.

Jungkook chuckled darkly as Gale spoke to him in his mind.

Your actions will hurt them.

And they haven't already hurt me first?

Your hyungs and the older girls of Blackpink are innocent. Why must you bring them into your mess?

Well it'd be best that I hurt them first, correct?

I don't approve. I'll tell you this. While I can't restrict your powers willingly, they will soon learn of what you've done.

Not if I'm smarter.

You think you can best Kim Namjoon? Prized son of Athena? You are wrong.

I don't need to be better, smarter. I don't need you lecturing me, Gale, go away.

The spirit slowly retracted from his mind, not without a strong gust of wind blowing in the shower, making Jungkook shiver.

He stepped out and grabbed a towel. He dryed off his body, wore his clothes, then left the bathroom.

Ruffling his hair, he called to his members, "I'm ready for the assembly!"

"Perfect," Yoongi grumbled, stepping out of his massage chair, "You've awoken me from my sleep,"

"Sorry, hyung," Jungkook gave him a I'm-not-actually-sorry look as he spoke in an annoying whiney voice.

"Well you will be," All the water his towel had soaked fell back into Jungkook's hair, dousing the poor boy.

"Yoongi, clean him back up!" Seokjin chided, passing Jungkook a piece of toast to eat on his way to the auditorium, "We can't walk in looking like we've woke up late. Any student that looks suspicious will surely be taken in for questioning!"

"He's right," Namjoon nodded, reaching for the keys.

"Nope, sorry, Joon, but we can't afford you breaking our lock. Or worse, our door," Soekjin snapped, snatching the keys and heading for the door. Namjoon slowly backed away, taking a spot beside Yoongi.

"He's in one of his moods today," Hoseok pointed out, leaning against the dinning table and munching on a toast slice of his own.

"I can tell," Jungkook laughed, he turned to Jimin and Taehyung and looked at them sceptically, "You two didn't screw him over, did you?"

They raised their hands in defeat, "I may have manipulated him into taking a sip of toilet water," Jimin confessed.

"It was my idea," Tae added, smiling proudly.

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