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She ran.

She ran from the crowd. Dropping her things in the place where she once stood, she sprinted away from the scene.

"Lisa! Where are you going!" Her unnies called after her, exchanging worried looks. They were about to chase after until Rosé spoke up, "Leave her, she needs to be alone,"

Lisa was Rosé's best friend, they could read each other like an open book. She knew, no matter how hard Lisa tried to deny it, she was falling for Bangtan's maknae.

And Rosé was worried for her friend.

The girls were here for a mission, a mission they couldn't afford to fail. If Lisa fell for the enemy, it would be like hell for her.

But Rosé also knew Lisa wasn't the only one. She had fallen for Jimin and although them dating was an act on her part; she couldn't help but wish that she and Jimin could be something more. She knew Jimin was only dating her as it was his mission as well, yes, she overheard him speaking with Namjoon.

A girl can dream, right? And Rosé was determined to keep her dream reality as long as she could.

The young girl looked out in the direction Lisa had ran off to and sighed, "Let's go unnies, we're going to be late for class,"

The other girls nodded their heads, noticing the droop in their younger friends mood.

"Let's go, Chaeyoung,"


Lisa furiously wiped her tears from her cheeks as she wept into her knees.

I'm so pathetic, she thought. Crying over Jeon Jungkook.

She had engulfed herself in a wintery air storm, ensuring no one would interrupt her cry session.

She leaned back, resting her head on a makeshift headrest she created with the wind.

"I wish life were easy," She murmured, "If only I had refused to take this mission, I wouldn't be overtaken by all of these emotions," Lisa shook her head and released a low chuckle, "But that's impossible now,"

Getting bored, she started to play with her magic. Creating mini-blizzards, tornadoes, and the occasional hurricane. Anything that could distract her from the wounding words of Jungkook, was perfect.


"You shouldn't have said those things to Lisa unnie," Yeri chided Jungkook as the nurse worked on her leg, "She may seem tough, but she has a fragile heart,"

Jungkook looked away, anger evident in his features, "She hurt you, no one hurts my sister,"

"Even after all the time you hurt me?" Yeri asked angrily, "You can't go around playing with everyone Jeon, at some point, people will stop playing the pawn in your games. They're going to take out the king."

"You know what, the least you could've done for me is saying 'thank you' instead of lecturing me on what I should do,"

"Fine then, thank you, but this doesn't mean I'm go- ah!" She shrieked. Jungkook spun around and dashed to his sister, "Does it hurt?" He asked holding her shoulders.

"I'm fine, it's just a fracture, brother," Yeri heaved a sigh, "But you have other places to be. You need to speak with her, or else you're going to lose her,"

He looked at her with widened eyes, "Lose her?"

"Don't play dumb with me, I've seen the way you act around her. No matter how much of a rivalry my unnies and her unnie have, I am also very close to her. You two are the most frustrating couple I've ever met!"

"We're not even dating yete, Yeri-ah,"

"Yet?" She smirked, "Go on, oppa, she's a pretty girl with a great personality. Don't be too late, or else you know who might get to her,"

Junkook stood up and sprinted to the door, stopping before exiting the room, "Thanks sis, take care! I'll ask Hoseok hyung to talk to his dad for you!"

Yeri giggled at her brother before speaking again, "You can come in, Bam"

A young man stepped into the room with a bright smile on his face, "Yeri~" He sing-songed.

"Hey, Bambam,"

"Thank goodness the grouch left, I don't approve of him with Lisa though,"

"Why not? He may have an ego, but he's kind,"

"It's not that, they're both power hungry people. Lisa is too innocent for Jeon, she may be with Blackpink, but she hasn't experienced half the things those girls have,"

"You're worried he'd taint her?"

"I'm worried he'll taint the purest side of her,"



incase anyone noticed, the last bit with bambam was written by a friend of mine haha, i was going thru a lot of writers block so my friend wrote the remaining part of the chapter for me. she doesnt have an acnt on wattpad, so i cant link it to her or whtever, but thank u!

anyways, i hope u enjoyed the chapter!

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