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They got lucky again.

At this point Jimin didn't know if they would ever be lucky again.

Seconds before the Devil's had over taken the hackers control on the locks, the portal had successfully opened and files had been downloaded. 

The septet ran into the portal at desperate speed, and the portal closed behind them almost immediately, sealing any sign of it's existence.

Jaebum, and Seulgi were able to deter the teacher's from the area by reporting chaos on the other end of the school. Jennie had gone off and used her manipulation to create a fight, the perfect distraction.

The hackers quickly shut down and removed any traced of being used recently on Im's computer, that was the end of the mission.

That was yesterday, this was today.

He was with his girlfriend, together they were relaxing at the central courtyard. Exams were finally, officially, over. It was now break.

They relaxed on the grass, a forgotten picnic splayed in

Chaeyoung was peacfully working on her laptop while birds played with her hair. The scene was ethereal. 

Jimin smiled at the girl, despite the... interesting end to their last date, they were still going strong. This time, with no guilt.

They had only gotten together because they had belived they were enemies, but that was just a misunderstanding. They were on the same team now.

Chaeyoung looked up and smiled at him, "What'cha lookin' at?"

"A princess," He grinned, leaning back on his elbows.

Chaeyoung playfully smacked his arm before letting out a blissful sigh, "I'm happen the mission went well,"

"Well? If you consider that panicked wrap-up 'well', then I want to know what missions you've been on,"

She smiled in response before leaning on his shoulder, "I don't know,"


"I just... it's all been so stressful, you know?"

He looked down at her before resting his head onto his girlfriend's.

"I know," He murmured against her hair, placing a soft kiss.

She let out a happy humm, "Now we have this information, I can't wait for the meeting tomorrow,"

"Namjoon hyung's working with Jungkook on going through the iles, right now,"


"Mhmm, something about him being good at decoding things. Apparently he and Seokjin are good with Devil cases, same with Taehyung? I think,"

"Maybe Lisa can run through them too?"

"Lisa? Have you guys worked on Devil cases before?"

Chaeyoung bit her lip, "Well... no,"


"It's just, she feels guilty, really guilty?"


"Yeah, guilty. She feels useless and she often tells me how she wishes she could do more,"

"I get what you're saying. This task doesn't require magic, it's one of the few thing she can do,"

Chaeyoung raised her head and looked into Jimin's eyes, "That's it! I was thinking about asking Namjoon oppa to ask her about it,"

"I'll text him about it, maybe Lisa and Jungkook can work together to recheck the files a second time,"

"You're the best!" Chaeyoung cheered.

A 'ding' came from Chaeyoung's phone and her eyes widened in surprise.

"I gotta go, girl thing!" She gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before grabbing her laptop and purse and running off.

Jimin shook his head fondly before cleaning up after their picnic.


"What?" Jungkook asked, clearly displeased.

"You're going to be working with Lisa for the rest of the files, Jeon. What's so bad about that?" Namjoon crossed his arms and stared down the younger boy.

"There's nothing worng with it, it's just, is she even cut out for it? This is BP's first Devil case, I just don't she'll be able to pick up on subtler things," 

"Well, that'll be your job. She can't use her pwoers, at least let her use her brain,"

Jungkook scowled before taking a seat infornt of the computer and huffing like a child, "Fine, but don't blame us if we miss something,"

"I won't, I'll only blame you," Namjoon smirked before stepping out of the room and letting Lisa in.

"Good luck," He whispered to the younger girl, "He's in a mood today."

Lisa let out a soft laugh before stepping in and closing the door behind her.

"Hey, Namjoon told me your a little grumpy today," She smiled as she sat in the seat beside Jungkook.

"You can say that again," He growled and rolled his eyes.

He clicked on a file that had been uploaded onto his computer, "It'd be easier if you had your own surface to work on. Did you bring your laptop?"

"Yeah," she pulled out her MacBook from her bag and took the USB Jungkook passed her, "What file are we on?"

"I'm going through the eigth one, you can do the ninth,"

She nodded her head in understanding and proceeded to click on the file.

Looking through the vairous pdf's and images saved, Lisa thought it'd be a good idea to ctach up with him. Her last one-on-one meeting with him still a fresh memory.

"So..." she started, "How're you doing?"

"Fine, you?"

"I could be better," 

She narrowed her eys as she analysed the words written more closely.

"How are your powers?" He asked casually, eyes trained on his screen.

"They still burn, my spirit's dormant too,"

"Did you think to check your essence?"

She stopped reading and looked at him, "My essence?"

"Yeah," he shrugged, "It's possible when the rouge took over your control, she tampered with your essence. Like she did with my memories,"

"Ah," she sat in thought, tapping her chin, "I didn't think of that,"

Jungkook chuckled, and continued to work through his file.

"Hey, Kook?"


"This form seems important..." He turned his attention to her screen, eyes widening in process.

"W-what's it say?"

"Look, read this, 'Im Nayeon, Special Agent 047.  Relations: Group Members, Older Sister, Father. Current Status: Active. Latest Mission: YG Infiltration and Exploitation. Mission Status: Complete - Success. Location Status: Crystal Academia.' Is she the same Nayeon as the one in Twice?"

"I don't think so," Jungkook stared at the screen, a nonrecognizable expression on his face, "Yoona is a Greek, Nayeon isn't. They can't be sisters,"

"Oh, good point," Lisa sighed, "Maybe it's a coincidence. Don't Devil agent's usually use undercover names?"

"That's what I've heard," Jungkook muttered, "Let's keep looking, we can still keep that though, it's possible we're wrong."

"You're right, let's keep looking."

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