Interlude II - Agent K

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The mission was a success. Good.

He had to continue and provide for the team activley in order to ensure that they trust him. If deterring is needed, he'd step up and prevent the spies from learning more than they need to.

Especially since GOT7 and Red Velvet paid more attention to the email than he anticipated. He sat quietly and had listened when they analyzed the words. It was a good thing they had yet to inform BTS and BP. That way, his cover was still partially secure.

However, he suspects BTS and BP know more than they let on. It's possible they've also noticed and also think their's an undercover spy. 

Whatever. The more they know, the more fun he'll have.


He dialed a number and brought his phone to his ear, "Hey, Im."

"K." the voice answered curtly.

"Listen," he hissed, "We've accessed the file's on your sister's computer." 

"So?" she answered with an annoyed tone.

"So, weren't their files about you on it? What if they find you out when they go over the files?"

"Shit," she swore, "We can't let that happen."

"I know. What are we gonna do though?"

"Try and divert them when they go through the files!" she cried, panicked.

"I can't! Namjoon's going to be there!"

"Then get rid of him!"


"I don't know! You're our best agent, you tell me!"

He groaned and brought his hand to his hair, "Alright, alright. I'll figure something out, okay?"


"Yeesh, no thank you?"

The girl on the other line sighed, "Fine. Thank you." He could hear the smile in her voice, making him grin in return.

"Great, love you, sis."

"You know I'm not actually your sister, right?"

"Yes, but I don't care."

He heard her laugh before she held her breath and responded, "Love you too, K."


He ended the call with Agent Im, then dialed Agent Y.


"Hey," K smiled.

"What do you want?" Y asked with a teasing tone. 

K heaved a sigh, "Whatever you're thinking, it's unrelated to that. It was only one mission. I'm never taking such an assignment ever again." 


He rolled his eyes, but his smile stayed put, "I need your help."


"Seokjin is keeping an eye on the USB with the files, they're going to transfer the files to a computer that belongs to a member in every group tomorrow. I'm going to need you to tamper with a few files."

"Just tamper?"

"Just tamper. I'll get them to you tomorrow. Can you get to History a couple minutes early tomorrow? Professor Sunny mentioned a meeting the period before right? She said she may be a little late to class since the meeting's in another wing. Meet me there and I'll handle you the USB. Tamper with the files during class," he heard Y try to protest about class time, "I know you're ahead, shut up.

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