Interlude I - Agent K

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The spirit was a problem.

His plan had been set. His mission file had been prepared the day he joined, all thos eyears ago. Enter as innocent, build trust, become powerful, ruin them

It was easy, really. Just put on a show and they belived you.

In all honesty, if it weren't for their late arrival, maybe he would've been a real agent. The people were kind, determined, and treated everyone as a family.

But, they were late. It's not his fault they never came. It's not his fault that after everyone he cared for turned away, the "wrong" group turned towards him. 

He wasn't evil. This much, he knew. The serum helped.

The Rival Agencies, YG and BigHit, were strong. 

That was a problem.

The Devil's were stronger though. Just one agent was enough to annihilate the company from the inside.

He was a Devil. He didn't regret it.


They were going to hack the Headmaster's email. If they succeeded, precious information would be leaked and the Devil's couldn't afford for that to happen.

Let's have some fun, he thought.

He informed Seunghyun about the groups plans beforehand. The Headmaster quickly transferred any email related to the Devils to his secure account.

"Wait!" He said, reaching out to stop Seunghun form deleting the last email, "Leave this one. Let's give them a clue, play a game. I want to see how smart they are,"

Seunghyun looked at the boy suspiciously, "Alright. You're our top agent, if they get too close, lead them astray. We can't risk things too much."

"I know. It's getting boring though, if we don't move things faster, we're going to have greater struggles near the end,"

"Good point," Seunghyun smirked, "You're smarter than you show, K."

He let a coy smile slip from his lips at the compliment, "I'm offended you didn't realize earlier."

The older man smiled at his dramatic remark and clapped him on the back, "Keep up the work, K. Don't let us down."

He smiled in return, "I won't."


The ringing paused and a voice spoke, "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine," He answered, running his hands through his hair, "The spirit's thrown it all off. They're even more cautious. Can you find info on it? The spirit, I mean. Something related to the Devils, that's all I know right now,"

"That's not much help, but I'll try. Did it specify?"

He carefully retold everything the spirit had said to him that day, "That's all I remember. She was powerful though, she'd make a valuable specimen,"

"Just what I thought," He could hear the smile in her voice as she talked, "I'll go through the essence records again, surely I can track something,"

"That sounds brilliant, thanks Yoon,"

"Child, I'm still older. How come you haven't given Seunghyun a nickname?"

"He's creepy,"

The voice sighed on the other side of line, "And you're annoying. Say, do you perhaps know who's responsible behind the break-in?"

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