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Lisa was going through a lot.

Her powers were muffled, leaving a searing pain whenever she tried to use them.

She was useless in her friends' attempts against the Devils, and she hated it. As much as her unnies tried to keep her up with everything happening, she couldn't help but feel misplaced.

Sure, she attended the meetings and helped in plotting, but it wasn't the same. She was an agent, she was meant to be active, to be out there, fighting. 

"'It's time," Namjoon stood and gestured towards the portal that had been opened.

Seokjin, Jisoo, Yugyeom, Jackson, Yeri, and Irene followed him and quietly stepped through.

The seven of them were going on a mission to further investigate the basement Yugyeom and BamBam had discovered a week ago.

"Stay safe," Lisa spoke, "Look out for each other,"

The septet nodded, waved, then closed the portal.

Lisa let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding and took a sip of water from her glass.

"Do you think they'll succeed?" Seungwan whispered, breaking the momentary silence in the room.

"I hope they do," Hoseok responded, rechecking their communications.

The septet had left with ear-bud coms that Hoseok, Jinyoung, and Yoongi, and Jungkook were currently wired up to.

Sooyoung pulled up the map they had extracted by combining Yugyeom's and BamBam's memories and following a Devil procedure.

Seven flickering light appeared on the screen, each color corresponding with one of the members.

"They must succeed," Yoongi spoke, "Today is our only opening, the next time we have a chance is far, far in the future. We don't have that kind of time. We have a chance to take down the Devil's, we can't let it pass," His finger clicked away elegantly on the keyboard, his fluid motions most likely due to his piano experience.

Every staff and faculty member was currently at a mandatory meeting. It was the perfect moment to break-in, no one would be in the area. Yugyeom and BamBam were lucky last time, but if they didn't take this opportunity, they would wouldn't be lucky again.

"You're chance, actually," Youngjae pointed out, "You're the spies, we're not,"

Jennie rolled her eyes, "You agreed to help us, this is as big a problem for you as it is for us. Don't give us shit,"

"The Ice Queen strikes," Seulgi snickered, laying back into her seat, eyes steady on Sooyoung's computer.

"Are you sure that isn't Irene?"

"How low of you to target person risking herself on a mission meant for you,"

Jennie's eyes raged, "You Romans volunteered to help, we could've simply erased your memories. We did it for your maknaes,"

"Yes, make us the bad guys," 

"Stop it!" Chaeyoung cried out, "Both of you, grow up! Our member's are currently risking it all to stop the real bad guys. Forget whatever stupid grudge you hold and for once look over your pride!"

The two older girls looked away, frustrated by Chaeyoung's outburst.

"Chaeyoung is right," Jinyoung snapped, "Seulgi, you're better than this, stop being a child. And you," He turned to Jennie, "Don't make me tell your brother about your behaviour,"

Jennie huffed in annoyance, "My brother isn't a part  of this,"

"Not yet he isn't,"

"Guys! If you're done blabbering, we've got info for you!" Jackson's voice came on the intercom.

"What'd you find?" Jungkook asked, Lisa noticed an odd emotion in his tone. She couldn't catch what it was though.

"We've accessed a computer without enchantments, but we're gonna need you to hack to let us in,"

"Alright," Hoseok responded, already pulling up a list of computer names, "What's the ID?"

This time, Irene's voice came through, "It's Madam Im's,"

"What? How do you know?" Yeri's voice came in, the member back at the room looked at each other with confused expressions.

"No time for question's, Yerim!" Irene chided, "Did you guys get through?"

Jinyoung clicked away on a last few keys, "And... done! We got in, the passcode's n4y03n1m,"

"n... 4..." Jisoo's whispered as typing was heard, "n... 1... m!"

The sound of a computer starting received quiet cheers from the septet and excited glances from the remaining members.

"Wow, she needs to get organized," Seokjin marveled, "That's like  a hundered files,"

"You have the USB, right?" Jungkook questioned, gribbing onto the mic of his headset nervously.

"Yes, we've plugged it in. We're downloading everything. We can organize the files when we get back." Namjoon reassured.

Softs clicks of footsteps were heard from the otherside.

"Shit," Jackson and Seokjin whispered in unison.

"Hey guys?" Yugyeom asked, "What time is it?"

"Fuck," Jennie murmured, "They need to get out of there!"

"It's 5:33, you need to leave!" Jungkook cried, the four boys furiously typed away on their screens.

"It's not done downloading!" A voice cried, Lisa couldn't tell who it was.

BamBam sashed into the room they were in with wild eyes, "They're coming!"

"What? These halls were supposed to be closed off!" Seulgi, and Chaeyoung ran out the door with BmaBam to distract the teachers.

They had snuck into one of the locked meeting rooms so they could have met in silence. Their dorm rooms weren't an optios because there was always a chance of others listen, sma ewiht the meeting rooms.

BamBam and Jaebum were situated outside of the room to keep a watch for student's and teachers. It was a good thing too, they couldn't risk getting caught now. 

Hushed, frantic whispers came from the speakers as Mark pulled out his own laptop.

"Lock their doors!" Jimin exclaimed, panicked as he stared at the map on Sooyoung's computer, "They're two groups entering from the east and the north entrances!"

Taehyung stood at the wall, already starting to form a portal to help aid the septet in their getaway.

"We need to go!"

"There's four more files! We need the information, it's important!" One of the voices protested.

"Namjoon, Irene, and Seokjin have gone to the doors, they're trying to create a barrier as quick as they can!"

"They're coming!"

Seungwan, and Jimin ran up to Taehyung to help him open the portal. Opening portals to places you've seen before are easy. Portals for places you've never seen, especially placed fortefied in acient spells, are on another level of difficult.

Jennie swapped with BamBam, since he had seen the area before, the portal would've opened quicker with his help.

"We're trying to hold the doors down! They've reached and they're trying to get in, we're opening a portal right now!"


Lisa didn't know if they were asking the USB to be quick, or the portal openers. 

All she knew was that they were in trouble. 

Angels, Devils, Gods - Being RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now