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"Your orders," The waiter said as he layed down two dishes in front of the couple, "And your drinks. Enjoy."

"Thank you," They thanked kindly.

Jimin took a good look at his meal and let out a content sigh, "I love Italian,"

Chaeyoung chuckled at her boyfriends antics and took a bite of her pasta. Her eyes widened and she let out a groan of pleasure, "Oh my goodness, this is amazing,"

Jimin laughed at her reaction before taking a bite for himself, "You know, Jin and Yoongi are wonderful cooks, but I've never had such great carbonara before,"

The duo talked, laughed and enjoyed their meal together. It had been a while since it was just the two of them. All the worry and drama caused by Lisa's and Jungkook's situation had put a pause on the little things in their lives.

Mid-term exams were also coming up. Aside from doing research on the rouge spirit and Jungkook's memories, the demi's also had to study for their school.

Sure, they were agents working for a various array of gods, but that didn't mean they didn't care for school. 

Jimin and Chaeyoung, full from their meal, payed and left the restaurant with a polite goodbye.

Walking a step behind her boyfriend, Chaeyoung looked at him with a soft smile.

"It's been forever since we went on a date,"

Jimin looked back at her and matched her lovesick expression, "Yeah, it's nice to be out with you again,"

They were in love. That was the only problem.

Deep in their hearts, they both knew that this wasn't allowed. They were working for rival organizations, and couldn't put any trust in each other for the sake of their mission.

Of course, neither of them knew that their other half was on a mission currently. The just new of their background as agents, and the fact that they both held valuable information.

"So, how's Jungkook?" Chaeyoung asked timidly, now walking beside Jimin.

"He's... coping. He acts as though he wasn't affected whatsoever, but I can tell something is off. He's started to forget things easily. Except," Jimin stopped walking, he loooked down to his feet as he spoke, "He's only forgetting specific things. He's forgetting his past,"

Chaeyoung brought ehr hand to her lips and stood and infront of Jimin, "Oh, Jimin. Don't tell me he's losing memories of you and the boys?"

Jimin turned his head to meet Chae's concerned eyes, "Not yet," He whispered, "Not yet, but he's forgotten some of his moments with the RK's (A/N: "slang" for Roman Kids) and Lisa,"

Chae brought her hand to his cheek and heaved a sigh.

"It's fine, BamBam and Yugyeom said they think they know how to help him. How's Lisa?"

It was Chaeyoung's turn to look away, "Jungkook's losing his memories, and Lisa's losing her powers,"

"Her powers?"

"Well, not losing specifically. She says it burns when she tries to use them. Jimin, she has a winter aura, she may not be saying it, but if her cold can't counter act the warmth? I think she isn't telling us the full story. Her pain is obviously more severe than she let's on,"

They continued to walk peacfully in a park by their school. They thought it'd be better to stay close by in case anything else happens.

 Talk to him! Chaeyoung's spirit, Lily, exclamed in her mind.

Not now, Lily. We're on a date.

You've earned his trust, did you see the way he looked at you? If he knows anything, he'll tell you! Ask him now, give it a shot!

Right now is a terrible time, Lily! We're stressed over exams and both of our members are hurt, I can't just bring up a stupid "rumour"! It'll seem insensitive.

Ugh, don't make me take your mind, Roseanne. We have a mission, don't tell me you've fallen for him for real?

No! I'd never fall for him, if we're right, then he's on the weong side of this battle. Loving him won't be right.

Suit yourself then.

Chaeyoung felt a rush of pwoer take over her before she lost control over her actions. 

Her spirit had taken control.

"So..." Chayoung, no, Lily, spoke up, "Did ya' hear about the rumours?"

Jimin looked at his girlfriend with a shocked look, "Are you alright, Chaeng?"

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm feeling great! Do tell me, though, is it true that the shcool is run by the Devil Gang?"

"The Devil Gang?" Jimin asked increduosly, "Wha- What do you mean?"

"Oh, ya' know! I overheard a couple Mayan kids discussing it. They said the forbidden section of the library was filled with Devil Magic,"

"De-Devil Magic?"

"Oh my goodness, I don't know if you're joking with me or not right now, stop stuttering!"


"Ugh." Jimin gaped at Chaeyoung's sudden change in demeanor, what happened to the quiet, gentle, Chaeyoung? He knw the was a part of Blackpink for a reason, but he didn't know why she was flipping on him.

"Listen," She spoke, drawing him closer by the collar, "Some say the Devil gang has been running the school since forever. They've slowly tapped into their god parent's 'godly form' magic and taken it for themselves. Unlike the Angel Leauge, the group of demi-gods who use those extra powers to protect weaker demi's, the Devil's use the magic for their own purposes. What are those purposes? No one's found out. So tell me, do you know if there's anything sketchy going around this shcool because whatever shit is going down, I need to know. WHy I need to know? I can't tell you. So man the fuck up and speak." 

By the time Lily finished her impromptu speech, the couple's noses were so close they were almost touching.

"I- I, I- uh-" Jimin sputtered helplessly, still marvelling at his girlfriend's power. 

Lily back out and let Chaeyoung go back into control after the young girl cursed the life out of the spirit.

She let out a sigh and brought her free hand to his face, "Hey, I'm sorry. I don't what got into me for a second there. Still, do you know anything?"

Coming back to his senses Jimin looked into the girl's eyes, "I... I know a few things, but I have a question. Are you, or are you not, working with the Devil's?" He used his manipulation powers when he asked to question. He wanted to make sure her response would be the truth.

Not even a second later, she responded with misty eyes due to his manipulation, "I have sworn my life against them."



Sorry guys, no Yugyeom or BamBam :(. I promise though, the next chapter will be all about them, after I wrap up Jirose's date ;). I want to ask you guys, would you rather I a) upload every 2-4 days with 500-1000 word chapters, or every 1-1.5 weeks with 1000-4000 word chapters? For reference, this chapter was about 1000 words.

Edit: I just wanted to say, form now on I'll be postingore about my update schedule on my feed. If you want to have more info on my updates or ask me questions about this, or any other, story you can message me on my feed. I'll try to respond as soon as you can, I also don't mind any PM's. Thanks for reading!

:3 <3

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