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The wind whirled around the girl violently as she stared down Jungkook. Her mind was completely blank, and her body was out of control.

Leo, I need to talk to Leo. She thought to herself.

Leo? You can't get to Leo as long as you are under my control.

Your control? Who are you?

My name doesn't matter, you're the one who does. Your family and all the other gods of Olympus.

My family? Wha-

"Lisa! Lisa listen to me!" A voice called to her.


Oooo~ someone to play with again!


"What do you want!" She hollered in response.

"Lisa?" He spoke slowly, "Why does your voice sound so weird?" He started to take steps toward the wind storm as it started to slightly die down.

A sudden white breeze, almost ghost-like, sped out of Lisa's torso and flew straight towards the nervous boy.

*Hello* It spoke.

"Hello?" Jungkook questioned, mustering up some strength he asks, "Who are you? And what did you do to Lisa?"

*Don't worry, boy, I'm am just a spirit, just like the one that gives you your aura powers.*

*As for your Lisa, I'm taking my revenge. Your family has enough power to ruin the lives of whomever they want. You gods and demi-gods believe you are so great, but I was also like you once.* Her eyes glowed with greed, *I believe my target has been the wrong character so far,* She inched closer and wind started to whirl around her and Jungkook, *Maybe I should have been following you all along. Prized so of Zeus, golden member of Bangtan, notorious Greek demi-god gang. Most powerful children of the gods since the last century.*

"If you hold a grudge against my family, then deal it with me. As long as you don't touch Lisa." He growled, his eyes starting to turn a pale white as thunder boomed above the two.

*You have pride. More than a demi-god should. Watch out for yourself, boy, my spirit is something you should fear. Your powers combined with Li-*

"Jungkook! Lisa!" Voice called out from behind them.

The spirits winds died down and a smirk grew onto her face, *Remember this, Jeon, I am the best*

She slowly vanished as Jungkook fell to the floor, feeling some of his powers draining him. I didn't use my powers, why am I so exhausted? He thought.

He held his head as a migraine started to come and looked ahead to where Lisa was.

She lay limp on the grass, his spirit speeding towards her in worry.

"Lisa!" Jungkook called, but her unconscious figure stayed in place. Desperately, Jungkook slowly stepped towards Lisa. Her body stirred but she remained unaware of her surroundings.

"Lisa. Lisa, I don't know what our parents did, but I'm so sorry," He murmured into her ear. A long scar from her left cheek down her neck and her back marked her body.

"Jungkook!" A voice called again, he turned his head back and saw his sister, hyungs, and Lisa's unnies running towards them.

With one final look at his saviours, Jungkook fell limp onto the ground and lay beside Lisa.


The dialouge is really weird in this chapter and I'm veyr sorry for that. Once the book is over and I begin to go through and edit it, I'll try to change it so it's easier to understand. 

Anyways, enjoy the chapter! I'll try to update again this or next week to make up for the lat eupdate :C.

Angels, Devils, Gods - Being RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now