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He won't lie.

The first time he laid eyes on Kim Taehyung, he was shocked.

He didn't know why that boy was there, and he certainly didn't trust him.

He had left them years ago, cut off all ties. 

Kim Seokjin, he continued to use his real name, even after leaving. He wasn't scared of them, now that he was a part of BH, he was safe.

He made sure that if ever encountering Devil magic, anything signifying his past would be hidden. He wanted to leave that life behind.

Not the life of an agent, the life of a gangster.

The reason he was so willing to accept this mission was that he had a personal vendetta against the Devils. 

That's where Taehyung came in. While the two Kim's weren't directly related, by blood or actions, their pasts were intertwined.

Imagine Seokjin's shock when the younger boy passed the Devil's test.

Never mind that, Seokjin had another plan. He had a mission, despite the current one. The spirit just... complicated things.

Now the case was more extensive than at first glance.


Jin stepped out of the classroom and leaned against the wall nest to the door. 

He was the first to complete his exam in the Sciences Hall, so no students were out and about yet.

He reached for his phone and searched up the answers to questions he wasn't entirely sure on.

Biology wasn't his strong suit, he was more of a math, specifically trignometry, person.

He heard the clicking of a door and looked up in the direction of the sound. He watched Jisoo silently slide out of the classroom and pull out her phone like he had.

"Hi, Jisoo," he waved politely when the girl glanced up.

"Oh," A small smile slowly spread onto her face, "Hi, Jin. How was your exams?"

"It was alright. I think I got at least an A, you?"

"Same, there were a few confusing questions. I'm not planning on pursuing chem anyways,"

Jisoo stepped beside the taller boy and leaned on the wall like him.

"So, since we're both done," Jisoo raised a brow as Seokjin spoke, "Wanna go on a walk? Or something?"

Jisoo raised both brows and look at him skeptically, "Are you asking me out?"

Jin rubbed the back of his neck shyly and let out a soft laugh, "Maybe?"

She grinned, "Of course, let's go on a walk."

She reached her arm out towards him, emitting a laugh from him. 

Arms locked together in an old-fashioned manner, the duo walked out of the building and headed down-town.


Their simple walked had turned into a mini-date.

The duo were currently sitting across from eahc other by the window, happily enjoying their respective ice creams.

"So, Mint Chocolate Chip?" Seokjin asked, eyeing Jisoo's choice curiously.

"Yup," She smiled, "It's too underrated and, although it's not my favorite, I enjoy having a bite from time to time,"

A nodded, then took a bite of his own, "But, doesn't it taste like toothpaste with chocolate chips in it?"

Jisoo stared at him icreduoudly, "Um... no?"

He hummed in acknowledgement and continued eating.

"How about you?" She asked.

"Cookie dough,"

"No," She shook her head, "I meant, how are you? With everything that's going on?"

He set his spoon down in his cup and took a moment to think, "I honestly don't know. It's not a secret anymore that I'm working for BH as an agent, is it?"

"Not between our groups, no,"

"I mean, it's not like I haven't dealt with bizarre situations before, but this time around, it feels more personal,"


"I- I'd rather not say,"

Jisoo placed her hand on top of his. He looked down, a blush blooming on his face. His eyes followed her arm up to mett her eyes and saw the thoughtfulness sparkling in them.

"I understand," She said softly, noticnng his prior uneasy expression, "Everyone has thing they want to keep to themselves,"

Seokjin tilted his head and stared at her in awe, "How?"


"How do you always know what to say?"

A red hue filled her cheeks, matching Jin's, "I don't know," she shrugged.

"It's amazing," He whispered.

Her smiled widened and she let out a breathy laugh, "I'm flattered,"

He grinned in response, "You should be, I, World Wide Handsome, just complimented you,"

Jisoo rolled her eyes but kept the smile on her face, "You ruined the moment,"

"I know,"

"Anyways," She drawled, "Do you think we did the right thing?"

"Go on,"

"Asking GOT7 and Red Velvet for help?"

Seokjin stayed silent for a moment before speaking, "I think we did. It would've been hard for Yugyeom, Bam, and Yeri to crwal around their members without getting caught. The more people to help, the better, right?"

Jisoo took in his words, the nodded, "Right,"

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