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Two hours had passed, and Lisa and Jungkook were finally going through the last file. Every other file contained pdfs or forms images, and such. The only problem was their vagueness. While the duo were able to thorize what variou sthings could mean, and who codenames were linked too. They weren't really able to find anything.

"This seems to easy," Lisa spoke with furrowed brows, "Why would they have a file containing the Devil Gang's numbers?"

"Good question," Jungkook answered, "Then agian, the Devil's are an organization. We were bound to find something as simple as a number of Devil operatives."

"It's too.. eays? Simple? It just seems too average."

"We also need to remember that they, so far, haven't expected any of the things we've discovered. They weren't prepared for us, therefore any info we find on this is valuable. They are a 'normal' organization, like I said. We can;t skip anything, though."

"That's a good point, but they're really careful about all this, everything written on the files seemed selective. Like with the Agents? Every Agent had different information about them listed,"

"True," He agreed, combing through the numbers listed on the pdf.

"I'm not too familiar with Devil history," Lisa started, "But it's clear that there are more Roman devils than any other demi."

She turned to Jungkook with a questioning expression, "There has to be a reason behind that, right?"

"Aren't the heads Greek, though?" Jungkook asked, looking back at Lisa, "Why would Romans join a Greek lead organization?"

Lisa hummed thoughtfully, "Another thing we should consider," she faced the screen and scanned the numbers, "Okay so, what do we know?"

"There are roughly 1200 members of the Devils, internationally."

"Romans make up about," She closed her eyes to calculate, "Hm... 43 percent? Of the Gang is made up of Romans."

"Followed by 18 percent of Greeks who, curiously, fill most of the leadership roles," Jungkook added.

"Then there's the 7 percent of Norse gods."

"Then the remaining is a mixture of various of demis." 

Lisa nodded, "That sounds about right."

The scrolled fruther down, and found words written at the bottom in fine print, "Wait, wait's this?" She gestured towards the screen.

Jugkook zoomed in and read the words out aloud, "'Aforementioned statistics apply only to unmakred Devil's. High Ranked Agent's are unlisted and hidden for their protection."

"High Ranked Agents? Unmarked?" Lisa questioned, holding her head in her hands, "I thought all Devil's were marked, no matter what?"

Jungkook ran his hands through his hair and leaned back in to the chair, "I don't know. We should've known, though,  Devil's are obviously smart about how they work. Even at my first Devil related mission, we never found them leaving any trace."

"How do we know who to trust now?" She asked, worry lacing her voice.

Jungkook shrugged, staring at the words intently, "We don't. Not until we can find someone, a Devil, who can tell us more."

"And we obviously can't go down for more info again."

"Or else they'd start raising security measures higher than they alreayd have. I don't think we'd be able to get around them a third time around."

Lisa snapped her fingers as an idea came to mind, "Im Nayeon!" she cried, "Let's not confornt her now, but let's keep an eye on her. Anything that hints towards her being a Devil, we can jump on the oppurtunity."

"Good idea," Jungkook stood from his seat, "We've been through the files. Let's tell Namjoon and plan for the next meeting."

He started to leave when Lisa caught his wrist, "Wait!"

He looked to her with a guarded expression, "What?"

She shifted in her chair and nervously let go of her hold, "Can we... talk?"



"There's nothing to talk about," he said flatly.

He started to turn when she spoke again, "No," she growled, "Don't turn away, again,"

"That kiss meant nothing, Lisa,"

"Then why did you do it?" she asked gruffly, standing up behind him, "Why do you always run away?"

He looked into her flaing eyes and scowled, "Not everything is simple, Lisa,"

"Really?" she asked, raising a brow, "Because before this whole mess, I was beginning to think you actually liked me. I was ready to try an 'us' again."

"Again?" He scoffed, "There was never an 'us' in the first place."

"Don't deny it." she countered.

"If it weren't for everything going on right now, maybe I would've tried an 'us'. Except, right now, I have a lot on my plate, Lisa, I don't need you bothering me right now."

*Don't worry, she won't be bothering you any longer.* 

The duo's eyes widened.

"No," Jungkook whispered, "You're back!"

Angels, Devils, Gods - Being RewrittenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz