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Does this mean they were wrong?

This whole time, they were chasing the girls, blinded by the fact that they worked for a rival agency, only for the truth to be that the girls were on their side?

"Jimin? Hey, what's wrong?" Chaeyoung looked up at the awestruck boy and cupped his face in her hands.

"So... so you and the Blackpink girls work against the Devils? Are you guys working with the Angels?"

"No," She whispered.


"Not the Angels, and definitely not the Devils,"

"Then..." How do I phrase this so i sound clueless? He thought, "Who are yo-"

"I need you to listen to me, and don't lie to me, Jimin, don't... hide the truth form me," Chaeyoung interrupted, turning away from Jimin, "I know who you work for. I know who you are," She looked straight into the boy's eyes. Her stare, daring him to lie to her, "My only question is, do you know who I am?"

He broke their eye contact and walked timidly took a step back, "Yes," he whispered, "I know who you are, I know what you do, I also know tha-"

The couples moment was put on pause when both of their phones started to ring. Their eyes met before they quickly picked up the calls.

"Tae?" Jimin voiced, "What's wrong?"

"They broke in,"

"What!?" Chaeyoung shrieked, Jimin looked at her panicked expression as she spoke to Jennie, "Are the crazy? The forbidden section isn't even open to some of the faculty!"

"I know," Jennie responded, her voice equally as rushed, "We need the two of you to get back here, there's a lot we need to fill you two on."

Taehyung's voice came from Jimin's phone once again, "Listen to what Jennie said, we have news,"

Both calls ended and the duo stared blankly at their phones.

Chaeyoung was the first to break their silence, "We aren't done here, but let's go,"

----- 3 hours ago -----

Yugyeom continued to whisper words until the Librarian revealed the Forbidden area's password to the boys.

"Ewera Lived," BamBam murmured into the keyhole.

"Of course it's the name of the school's first Headmistress," Yugyeom said as he tiptoed into the room.

Shelves lined all four walls of the forbidden space, along with one small squre-like shelf in the center, showcasing one large book.

BamBam scoured the walls in awe, he was a jokester, but he also yearned for information. He always wanted to prove himself to people, that's why he had gained many talents in the past few years.

While BamBam went through random book from shelf to shelf, Yugyeom stepped towards the center piece.

The Forbidden Arts of Devils: Defense and Offense, Mythical Creatures, Spirits

"Bingo," he whsipered, reaching out for the book.

BamBam saw his partner from the corner of his and immediately wen tinto panic, "No wait!" he whisper-shouted.

"What? Why?"

"Yugyeom, you idiot, have you never read a book before? If there some powerful center peice and a stereotypical forbidden area, it's obviously guarded. You can't just reach for it!" BamBam scolded the boy.

"Whatever," Yugyeom rolled his eyes before grabbing the book from it's pedestal.

"Noooooooo!" BamBam screamed, before noticing that nothing went wrong, "What?", he asked with a confused tilt of his head.

"I told yo-" Yugyeoms words were interrupetd when a series of alrams blared through the building.

Students in halls, classrooms, dormrooms, and the field were shaked from the sudden loud sounds as all lights in the building turned into a fiery red.



"Where's the break-in you goddamned alarm system!" Professor Seung-Hyun groaned when the annoying voice interrupted his, so far, peaceful day.

Nurse Yoon-ah ran into his office with a frantic expression, "Sir, two students have broken into the Forbidden Section!"

"What?!" He exclaimed, quickly grabbing his suit coat, "I thought the agencies were bluffing when they said they were suspicious of us,"

"Sir, I don't think the agencies are at fault for this break-in..." Yoon-ah trailed off.

"Really? Then who?"

"I think they've sent in agents."


Yugyeom and BamBam looked at eachother with wide eyes.

 "YOU IDIOT!" BamBam shrieked, "I TOLD YOU TO BE CARFEUL!"

"I KNOW, I KNOW! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Yugyeom hollered over the loud noise. 

The boys desperately searched for an exit. The fornt door was not an option, they'd easily get caught holding the  Forbidden Books.

"I know what to do," Yugyeom whispered.

"What?" BamBam asked, confused at his friend's sudden calm demeanor.

Yugyeom set down the book he'd picked up and quickly flipped through the pages.

"Enchantments, I need enchanments," He murmured to himself.

BamBam looked back and forth from Yugyeom to the door, "I don't know what you're doing but you might want to early up!"

Yugyeom eyes frantically sped through the words as his hands flipped page after page. 

"I know, I know!" He responded, slightly annoyed at his partner and the large book, "I've heard stories that Devil's had mastered the art of hiding their essense. If I can find that spell, you can use it to mask your aura so we can blast out of here!"

BamBam's eyes widened in understanding, "I think I know where to look," He came to the book and flipped to the very first page.

He smirked "Found it,"

"Of course!" Yugyeom exclaimed, "The first thing you do when using a spell for evil is to erase your tracks!"

Carefully following the incantation, BamBam's eyes started to turn a bright orange-red hue and his hands burst into flames. Yugyeom stood a few yards away from his friend as BamBam pressed his hands to the floor.

The ground beneath them started to crumble, "Wait a second- AHHHH!" Yugyeom didn't have time to finish his sentence before the two boys fell through the floor.

"Dude, what the fuck? No warn-"

BamBam shushed his friend as his eyes returned to their normal colors, "Where are we?"



Hmmm, I wonder what they found?

:3 <3

Angels, Devils, Gods - Being RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now