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"They chose me!" He cried out, sending another blast of light towards the other.

The latter quickly conjured a shield of winds before sending back and equally powerful blast, "I don't care!" His eyes turned numerous shades darker before he added, "None of you mattered to me anyways."

Lisa cried out loud as she watched them continue their bloodthirsty duel.

"Stop!" Younger Yeri shrieked, "Stop it! Please, don't!" She ran towards he rbrother, but BamBam held her back.

"We can't stop them," He spoke, sheilding the two heartbroken girls, "We made our decision, and we ruined them,"

Light flashed infront of them brightly as the boys contineud their battle.

"You're holding back, Jeon!" The taller boy called out tauntingly, sending another blast towards the mentioned.

"I'm sparing you, Yugyeom!"

"Sparing? Ha! If you want to spare anyoen then leave! We don't need you ruining our lives anyways!"

Yugyeom had been battling to his full strength, and he had mistakingly assumed the same was for Jungkook. It was true, Jungkook was sparing him, because he secretly hoped that his old friends would stop this mess.

Anger clouded Jungkook's mind as his spirit started to take control of the battle.

The thunders noise grew louder, if it was even possible, and lightening starting to buzz around in the clouds.

Suddenly, a large bolt of lightening struck Jungkook's body. The electricity feeded itself into his bloodstream and pulsed through him. 

Channeling his powers, Jungkook angled the blast towards Yugyeom.

Although Yugyeom was the son of Jupiter, Jungkook's emotions were no match to his.

Using his last bits of energy Jungkook screamed to his former friends, his tone agonizingly depressed and ark, "I TRUSTED YOU!"

A large blast took over the five of them. However, before the blinding light overtook her, Lisa spotted a shadow of a spirit leave Junkook's body. In the split-second moment, time slowed down. She knew it wasn't Jungkook's spirit, his spirit had an aqua hue, this spirit had a gray, almost silver, coloring.

The light flashed over her, ending the traumatizing scene.

Lisa awoke with a shriek. Trembling, her hands aimlessly searched for her side-lamp and turned on the lights.

Her older 'sisters' dashed into the room, panicked expressions on each of their tired faces.

"Lisa, hey, hey? Are you alright?" Jennie seated her self next the frightened girl, Jisoo and Chaeyoung staring at her with wide eyes.

"I- I-..."

"Was it a nightmare?" Jisoo whispered to her softly, sitting across from Jennie.

"Yeah, another nightmare," Lisa answered, her voice eerily quiet.

From the foot of the bed, Chaeyoung massaged her feet comfortingly, remaining quiet.

"Can you tell us about it?" Jennie asked, raking her fingering through Lisa's hair to calm her donw.

"The same. Every night it's the same,"

"Why don't you tell Jungkook? Or any of the other's for that matter, they should know that they're the memory that haunts you?" Jisoo asked in a soothing voice.

"I- I can't. That night was terrible for all of us,"

"Lisa," Chaeyoung spoke for the first time, "There has to be a reason the dream keeps repeating. Maybe your spirit is trying to get ahold of you. Memories are a fragile thing to deal with, is there anythign different you've noticed in these dreams?"

"Actually," Lisa spoke carefully, "There is,"

----- 3 hours earlier -----

"What is this?" Yugyeom whispered, staring at the machines in shock.

"Well," BamBam started, shaking his head to clear his racing thoughts, "Let's find out,"

The boys stepped forwards, wary of their sounds, as they trailed along the aisles of cabinets and contraptions.

Files stowed away, weird containers, and computers on desks lined their different paths.

Yugyeomcarefully reached for one of the files titled, "Jupiter - Males - 19/20".

Names upon names filled rows and rows of the first eight pages.

His eyes carefully read each and everyone until finally landing on his name.

Kim Yugyeom - 19 - Korean Roman

He flipped to the identified page and stared at the pages contents. 

Information. All of his information. From his name, place of birth, family, and weight, to his essence, variations on his magical potency, and his educational degrees.

"Hey, Bam. Look what I've found!" Yugyeom whisper-shouted, eyes still glued to the file.

"Whatever you've found," BamBam paused, his voice laced with awe, "I bet I've found somethign better,"

Yugyeom followed BamBam's voice and found his friend staring up at a large box-like space. It was big enough for a person to fit in, and had magic restrainting essence oozing from it. Standing even five-feet away frm the thing, the boys could already feel their magic diminishing. Three of four walls were made of a strong metal, clearly no demi-god with super strength could've broken out of it. There was a door facing the front, but it was obvious that there were more speels cats to prevent the glass panes on the door to be broken. Completely reinforced, BamBam noticed.

"What is it?" Yugyeom asked, frozen in place.

"I looked around at some notes and one of the computers was unlocked, it didn't have much info, but it was enough to gather evidence on what this is," BamBam tore his eyes away from the "compartment" and landed a frightened gaze on his friends, "It's a spirit-divider."

"Holy shit."

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