The Proposal

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"C'mon Mumbo, all I'm saying is that it could be fun," said Grian with a hint of frustration. He would never force his partner to do something if it made him that uncomfortable.

Polyamory isn't for everyone and Grian was okay with that. He wanted Mumbo to know this it wouldn't change the way he felt towards him.

Still he struggled to get his point across without risking the chances of upsetting Mumbo. "This is always a hard topic to approach, but I just want to say that I love you and support you.

Mumbo sat legs crossed on the gray couch as Grian stood in the kitchen. He was evidently frozen from Grian's confession.

Mumbo knew he was wrong to assume the worst of Grian's statement. His main thought was he doesn't want to be with me anymore. Except he new his insecurities voice from his own. "Grian, can we talk about this later."

Mumbo saw the defeated look in the smaller one's eyes and felt guilty. It would do both of them some good to have time to reflect the thought nonetheless.

~ Time passes~

Mumbo felt something fluffy covering the lower half of his face, making it harder for him to breathe. He opened his eyes to meet the darkness of nightfall and the illuminated numbers on the alarm clock read 4:35 am.

The fluff felt as if it were heating up and Mumbo began to panic not realizing what it could be. In a haste, Mumbo jolted to a sitting position in the bed.

The fluffy mass moved like a shadow after letting out a snarl, it then escaped through the door that was ajar due to Mumbo's forgetfulness.

Mumbo was getting up to close the door when a hand on his shoulder stopped him from continuing the task. "I'm sorry Gri, go back to sleep," Jumbo whispered apologetically.

Grian chose to ignore this comment as he had something more urgent on his mind. "Was that Maui or Pearl?" Grian said sitting up as well.

Mumbo knew it could bother Grian not knowing if his babies were alright so he offered to check on them. "It's bloody four in the morning, you should get back to bed," said Grian.

Mumbo half expected this since it was 4 am but was also surprised Grian wasn't freaking out about the cats. "No no, I'd better go and check just to be on the safe side."

Mumbo got out of bed all the same but when he reached the door Grian had replied. "Alright I'm coming and my baby better be alright."

Mumbo stifled a laugh imagining the smaller man waving his pointer finger at him in faux disappointment. Grian found Mumbos hand in the darkness and they cautiously padded down the stairs.

Grian unthinkingly flicked on the lights once they reached the last floor and quickly shoved his face into Mumbo's t-shirt. "I regret everything." Grian moaned and Mumbo snickered at him.

When both their eyes recovered they scanned the living room for either of the cats. Right in the spot Mumbo had previously been seated sat a salty Pearl.

"She does not look happy with you mate," said Grian poking out from behind Mumbo.

Mumbo knew apologizing to Pearl now would end in many scratches and decided against it. "She'll get over it, eventually." Mumbo hoped aloud.

"I've had a brilliant idea," said Grian who was now looking up at Mumbo cheekily. "What if you give her a peace offering." He stated proudly.

"Good Idea Gri." and with that Mumbo pecked Grian on the head and padded the rest of the way to the kitchen.

"Stay as my witness just in case." He called behind him. Grian took a seat at the island stools and watched as Mumbo poured some lactose free milk (safe for cats) into a tiny glass bowl.

After setting the bowl on the ground a few feet away from Pearls intimidating stare, Mumbo sat legs crossed on the opposite side of the couch from the cat. Mumbo's eyes met Grian's and he patted his leg signaling for Grian to come over.

Grian sat on Mumbo's lap in the dim room and they watched as Pearl crawled towards her prey. "She had better forgiven me by morning," Mumbo said pouting.

Grian's little giggle made them both burst out in laughter. Mumbo had realized his insecurities no longer held weight to his decision.

"You know what, I think it could be fun." Mumbo had noticed the adoring look in Grian's eyes that he could only imagine matched his own.

"So when we go for our usual coffee in the morning you'll finally ask out the cute barista you've been checking out?" Grian's excitement consumed him.

Mumbo chuckled in amusement, "let's start with baby steps." Mumbo's own excitement topped his nerves. Maybe it was due to the delusional hour of the morning but he was still sure of what he wanted.

"How about we ask him together." Mumbo proposed.

. . . .

Thanks for reading, please feel free to comment your suggestions for future one shot chapters.

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