Little Secret - 2

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M- your a turd


G- you spelled "you're" wrong


~The next day at school~

Grian was sitting in English class slightly out of breath from running to class. He couldn't afford to be late, between detention and community service his parents would start to question him.

Not surprisingly some students still shuffled into the classroom late. The class gasps at someone in particular causing Grian to look as well.

Mumbo enters the classroom hair soaking wet and his clothes ruffled unfitting. He slammed the signed note onto Grian's desk. 

"Why are you giving it to me? You're supposed to hand it in to the principal once we've both signed it." Grian whisper shouted at Mumbo. 

leaving the note on the smaller kid's desk Mumbo sat in the row behind Grian and placed his backpack on the floor. "Quit getting so worked up its not a big deal," he then yawned in a dismissive manner.

Grian was trying not to blow up at Mumbo's carelessness but he failed. "No, you give her the note. Those were her instructions." Grian turned around with the note in hand and slammed it onto Mumbo's desk. 

The teacher and the students alike were now becoming annoyed at the disturbance. "Both of you take the note to Mrs. Knight and leave now!" The teacher said shouting at them both.

Mumbo snatched the note from Grian's hand and used his other hand to drag him out of the classroom. "See what you've done you pleb." Mumbles the raven haired boy.

Mumbo's pov

I hadn't noticed I was still holding onto Grian and he pulled his hand from my hold. Grian was always awkward and it made me feel awkward so I began walking to the principal's office, Grian slowly tagging along.

It was silent with only the faint rumbles from the active classrooms we passed and of course the sound of Grian's stupid shoes squeaking across the school floors.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of the rat then realized he had been quiet for some time. "Why aren't you being annoying like yesterday?" I questioned stupidly.

I'm the one who told him not to speak to me, and I'm the one who broke that rule. He didn't reply so I turned to give him a death stare.

Two could play at the silent game haha, Iskall told me how much the little trick I told him to play messed with Grian's head.

When I turned around Grian was stood only a couple of feet away. "What're you doing all the way down the hall goldie?" I shouted.

Grian flinched back into reality, I hope. He stared at me with shock in his eyes instead of a daze this time.

"I-i have to go to the bathroom." Grian was far but, boy could those cheeks blush for miles. I don't even know why he's so embarrassed.

Or why he asked my permission for that matter, maybe he was embarrassed because he asked my permission? "Go on then?" I huffed before turning around.

"Noo, I-i mean. I can't!" Grian caught up to me so we didn't have to be so loud I presume. "What, why?" I was confused by him as usual.

It's only been two days and oh how... frustrating he's gotten. "You can't go to Knight without me or else I'll get extra detention too," Grian explains while trying not to do the dance... you know the one.

Grumbo: One ShotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ