With a Side of Awkward

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If it was up to Mumbo he'd probably rather have Grian sit in a corner facing the wall. Of course he would never actually go through with it because he isn't a monster, thankfully.

He also promised that he would be nice and he's trying to keep that promise. After working up a sweat all day in the kitchen, his patience was running thin though.

He messed up the easiest part of the recipe and he didn't have time to start over.

"Honey, I'm home!" Grian's sarcastic voice rings through the small flat as the sound of flat feet pads nearer. Grian was home early to help with dinner preparations.

Grian's grandparents were coming over to join the two men for dinner. Grian enters the kitchen to see a frustrated Mumbo with his hands covering his face.

"Looks like someone needs my help in here." Grian moves over to the distressed man.

"I'm not sure you'll be much of any help, no offense." Mumbo's hands cause his voice to come out muffled but Grian was still able to understand him.

"Shh, your desperate." Grian shushed the dark haired man and placed his hands on his in order to pry Mumbo's hands away from his face.

Mumbo looks up at Grian and try's not to smile but fails. 

"Bring it in," Grian said. Grian pulls Mumbo in for a warm and reassuring hug. The hug lasts until Grian pulls away with a plan to help his housemate.

"I got a bad idea and you're not gonna like it." Grian turns toward the stove examining the loaded skillet and the rice in a separate pot.

"So what happened here?" When Mumbo is finished squinting at Grian to see if he was actually serious he then turned his attention to the items in question.

"Well, I was gonna sauté some spices before adding the vegetables and eventually the rice. I didn't realize I put the stove on high and so the unions and garlic burned really quickly while I was adding the vegetables." Mumbo ranted while his brows were furrowed.

"You burnt the vegetables too and gave up on the rice?" Grian guessed the rest and chuckled when Mumbo's brunt of disapproval confirmed it all. Mumbo nodded at that, His friend patted his back and told him to go and get ready for dinner. 

Since Grian came from work he was already presentable enough for dinner. Not that there was anything wrong with Mumbo's comfy house sweats and fluffy kitty slippers.

Mumbo should probably put in a bit of effort if he wanted to make a decent impression on Grian's grandparents.

Grandfather Charles senior, Charles Junior, Grian himself as Charles the third, and his Grandmother Marie was all Grian had, along with Mumbo and his friends.

Mumbo's POV

I walk up the two flights of stairs and pass Grian's room and went into my own. Once I am at the doors of the closet my brain starts stressing over the new obstacle.

What the heck am I gonna wear. Grian's grandparents were hippies, maybe I'll finally get the chance to bust out my flower crown.

While sifting through the various shades of dark colored clothing that idea is quickly shot down, nothing I own goes with a flower crown. Ultimately, I chose to wear something casual and save the flower crown for a different event.

After buttoning up my grey short sleeve button up and cuffing the sleeves I threw on my favorite black skinny jeans and brushed my hair... again. I looked in the mirror for the last time and headed back downstairs.

Grumbo: One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now