Romeo and Julien - 2

399 19 14

Mumbo's POV

"The show must go on!" Tango shouts as he stands on my bed and points to the ceiling. He can be such a dork sometimes.

I can't help but crack up laughing and it only encourages him further. How many superhero poses does this guy know?

Knock knock

"Okay, that was super cheesy," I say walking over to the door. It was probably my dad telling us that we should go to bed now.

It was a long weekend and Tango and I decided to play video games and hang out at each other's houses, nights at mine and days at his.

Grian was out of town otherwise he'd be right in between us. I open the door to see who it was.

"Hey boys, why don't you get ready for bed," I was right.

"We can't have the most important characters falling asleep halfway through rehearsals, can we?" Dad then waved goodnight and he was off.

After we were both done doing our separate things in the bathroom. Tango makes a joke about why Grian is actually not here.

"What? Why else, he's on a trip with his family?" I was thoroughly confused and the squint of my eyes showed it.

"Nah, its because you can't see each other on your wedding day." I fling a pillow at Tango's face faster then he could react and send the boy falling onto the air mattress on collision.

"You're just mad because I'm right." Tango mumbles.

"Whatever you say, keep telling yourself that." I then gets on my bed and face away from Tango.

"I'm not giving your pillow back either." Yeah, I kind of expected that.


"Hello there lads!" Grian greets us as we all meet up in the school's corridors. It seems rather empty but we're nerds and got here super early, once the first bell goes so does the rush of students.

Grian has been texting Tango and I throughout the long weekend about what a bust his family trip was so I was a little surprised he was so happy.

The amount of excitement and energy that Tango and I were met with was definitely something I could get used to.

The sight of a happy Grian beaming up at me is definitely enough to pick me up from my terrible mood. It's my own fault for getting up in the middle of the night and thinking that it was a good idea to teach myself Minecraft pocket edition redstone.

I'm caught pretty soon after, with Tango being on the receiving end of my morning grumpiness he decided to call me out.

Smiling at Grian's smiling earns a mischievous smirk from Tango. "Hey Gri, I had some questions about rehearsal today. You wouldn't mind going over it with me in english class?"

Grian blindly and obliviously happy agrees and Tango slings a sly arm around his shoulder and they were walking away by the first bell.

So yeah, I was standing in the middle of the rush watching my two best friends one of which I have a crush on walk away.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I shout, Grian seems to remember my existence waves at me and flashes another smile. Times like this is when I wish my face wouldn't be as telling, I was usually generally unreadable.

 I'm almost completely certain Tango has nothing to say to Grian also. Tango is pretty careless bout playing Mercutio because he's played a lot of major roles in sixth form plays.

Plus, we are going to rehearsals all week and the next Friday is the show.


Friday aka showtime

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