Fresh Prince

965 40 13

Grian's pov

"Okay buddy I'm gonna log onto the server, make sure you're recording." Mumbo said excitedly. 

After Mumbo gave me the instructions I logged onto the hermitcraft server and flew to my old base. "Sure thing, talk to you in a bit." I say then mute my microphone.


"Hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft." I do my intro as Mumbo flies over to greet me and the viewers. Mumbo leads us to Scars volcano where a gigantic mustache sits atop it.

 "Do you have any idea who could have done this?" Mumbo asks.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I reply trying not to be obvious about the fact that I am the one who received three stacks of diamonds for this request. A fellow hermit wished to remain anonymous, they desperately wanted to use the invention and I simply couldn't say no...

It all back fired as Mumbo began to guilt me, It's your own invention he argued. After his tedious, persuasive and failing methods, I finally decided to help him get rid of the thing. He was justified in his claims at least, but he would never know who's doing this was.

"Yeah just give me a second, my pockets are a bit too heavy for this job." I fly back home to rid my pockets of the diamonds and I took a break to talk to the camera.

 "I may have taken a request right before this and TFC paid a lot of diamonds for me to keep this a secret. So I'm trusting you all not to say anything."

After flying back to the volcano Mumbo tells me to get started. I had already put a couple of cameras in place and was ready to time lapse the mustaches dismantling.

"I really wanted to play a hermit land game this episode, but unfortunately Mumbo took up all my time."

"We should really get going." Mumbo pretended to whisper as if he were only speaking to me and not the viewers.

"Alright, as you can see Mumbo really wants to leave so... That is actually it for today's video, I got quite a bit done off camera so we won't have much left to do. Thank you very much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this episode and do let me know what hermit land game I should play in the comments below... Thank you very much for watching and goood byeee!"

"Bye Gri" Mumbo said cheekily as I forgot to mute my mic, "Bye Mumbo..." I got off discord and got my recording ready to be edited for when I get back, we all know it probably won't be edited until tomorrow though.

Just then Pearl dashed into the office and leaped onto the desk. "Meow" 

"I was just heading to go get ready, c'mon girl." I went to my closet to pick an outfit for the halloween party False was throwing. she made if very clear that it wasn't any ordinary Halloween party, it was a weeboween party.

After showering I put on my generic anime boy costume, it was called a weeboween party after all. The costume consisted of a white button up shirt with red cat sequined suspenders, black jeans, navy and red converse high tops and lastly my favorite harry potter round glasses.


The faint sound of my phone buzzing came from under the pile of clothes that had accumulated as I tried to pick out my outfit. Finally grabbing my phone I pressed answer to silence it and also see who was calling, of course.

I raised the phone to my ear... "Hello?"

It was silent on the other end for a few more seconds until I heard the sound a go pro makes when it's submerged in water. 

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