Just Friends - 4

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No one's pov

~5 to seven years later and two years  into university~

"Everybody, yeah... rock your body, yeah, e-" A loud thud could be heard throughout the complex. "What's with all the noise?" A muscular kid with some shades on walked into the community bathroom without caution.

All he found was a fallen Charles tangled in an extension cord which was attached to an extremely hot flattening iron. "You alright weeb?" The kid asked Charles with no concern.

"I-i'm alright, you can go now," Charles said whilst peeling himself off the grimy bathroom floor. Brent exited the restroom so quickly you would have thought he was embarrassed to even look at the lad.

Picking the hot iron appliance off the floor Charles continued straightening his hair for the night's event. His roommate Brent has invited him to a uni party across town.

Charles had been texting with his old best friend back and forth over his attendance at this party. Oliver wasn't there to keep him trying new things so they both made a great effort. They tried texting every day but inevitably they would go weeks without texting or only texting once every few months.

They had fallen out quite a bit because of the distance between schools, but that would soon change. Tonight in fact was the night it would do so. Charles hadn't told his friend where the party was so Oliver was in the dark.

Charles's p.o.v

~Text convo~

O - It's been a while since I've gone to a party, it's not really my thing anymore...

C - Just do it man, you never know what might happen

O - Quit your whining, I'm going to the party

C - Nice, ttyl buddy


I convinced Mumbo to go to the party his friends were throwing because little did he know, it was the same one that Brent has been telling me about. He almost thought something was up when I insisted he went but I did plan on seeing Oliver tonight and nothing will stop me.

Once my chemically black costume was on I swooped my fringe and the outfit was complete. Now I just have tolerate Brent long enough to make it to the party, how bad could thirty minutes in a car with Brent be anyway...

Truly Brent wasn't that terrible of a guy, we just have very different morals. Brent pulled up to the building and told me the party was at the top floor, he hung back to wait for his friends to arrive and said I should go without him so that's what I did.

Upon exiting the elevator at the top floor the whole place reeked of alcohol and sick. It was very much trying to be hidden by the students dancing and having a good time but it failed epically.

I was shoved through a crowd of people not wearing costumes for the most part and I  occasionally spotted a group of cats and firefighters. 

This is annoying, now I just look like an idiot. Who doesn't dress up for a Halloween party? The crowd ended up spitting me out next to the drinks table. 

"Oh hey Grian, can you do me a favor?" Brent said before sipping on his drink.

I nearly touched the ceiling and spun around to face the familiar voice. Holding a hand over my racing heart I nodded still breathless.

"I left my uh- watch... in the restroom, could you grab it for me?"

I squinted in confusion at the man in front of me, "I don't see why you can't do it yourse-"

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