Con Buddies - 2

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Mumbo's pov

The room was quiet, everyone was the most chill they would be for the entirety of the convention. The trouble maker of the group seems to have adopted the curiosity of a puppy, keeping him very... preoccupied.

"Currently I'm just trying not to fall asleep," I mumbled whilst trying to keep my eyes open for the duration of my sentence.

I later learned that I had failed the attempt when I was rudely awoken by a howling Grian. "Guys you have to come see this." Grian waved us both over to where he sat at the large industrial shaped windows.

When Iskall and I got to the window we where both paralyzed in both fear and admiration at the sight before us. A whole gang of teslas had been parked in the creator's car park section.

Emerging from each vehicle were various American Minecraft youtubers. "Woah, Joey Graceffa is fit as f*ck." Grian said not at all sounding ashamed of his declaration.

To be completely honest I very much agreed with him. Iskall on the other hand was more excited to see some of the fellow hermits like Impulse, IJevin, Scar, and Cubfan.

"I can't wait to pull some pranks on those guys in real life," Iskall said while climbing into the bed that once sported the elephant onesie he was now wearing on his body.

"You're going to bed already?" Grian asked surprized. The smaller hermit didn't seem even a little tired.

"I'll see you bros in the morning, I've had enough of you two," Iskall faced away from Grian and I. The room was then filled with soft and gentle, Swedish snores.

He tolerated our silliness for longer than I expected, Iskall one... Grumbo zero. "So Mumbo, what about you?" Grian wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Iskall help, Grian's scary when he's flirting," I whisper shouted in the sleepy swedes direction. Grian giggled playfully making me relived.

Some people can get really offended when you come for them like that, but he's the one who started it anyway. "I'm gonna chill cause I'm not really tired, join me?" Grian asked daringly.

His forwardness made me nervous and I wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe it was the way he leaned into me welcoming me into his bubble or the way his smile made the nerves turn into fluttering wings instead.

"Sure, I'll chill with you." I agreed to his ask and sat on the only other bed in the room. "Oh yeah, what happened to, currently I'm just trying not to fall asleep." Grian mimicked me by pretending to twist the ends of an imaginary mustache.

That cocky grin on his face did things to me that I'd never admit to another person. after rolling my eyes at him he finally decided to join me in bed.

"I know what I said okay." He made me forget what I was about to say when for a second I thought I saw a hint of tiredness in his eyes.

"I promise I'm not that tired. I won't fall asleep on you, well unless you want me to." I told him, but I didn't feel very present in that moment.

I proposed that I could take the couch as we hadn't finalized who would sleep where. Won't be any good for my tall bones but that's a price gentleman have to pay.

Grian was silent, that was a first. It forced me to be grounded in this moment, my eyes focused on Grian and he burned pink before looking away.

"I guess they call you Mumbo Jumbo for a reason as you would probably just push me out of bed at some point through the night."

His own retort caused him to go redder and I couldn't help but laugh at what he might be thinking. My short fit of laughter ended with a smirk causing Grian to hide his face in his hands and groan.

"Alright, we should chill before we accidentally wake Iskall." Grian had heard when the Swede declared his annoyance of us.

"You're probably right but I do not feel very chill right now." Grian was fidgeting with his fingers nervously and he didn't look at me when he spoke.

"You alright mate?" My hand found the small of his back and instinctively drew a spiraling pattern.

I'm trying my best but it seemed the more I spoke the more his breathing sped up until he became ridged beside me.

"I'll be right back." His voice was high but breathy as he dashed into the bathroom.

It almost seemed familiar. This has only happened one other time, Grian ran out when I trying to comfort him just like this.

I should go ask if he's alright I thought as I moved to the door and knocked. I could hear Grians heavy breathing and some other efforts.

"Do you need some help mate?" I asked after knocking. Then I heard a noise like a shower turning on.

"I'm fine, j-just go wait for me. I'll be done in a sec. I-I mean I'll be there soon." His speech was shallow now but he seemed to have everything under control.

Almost immediately after getting back in bed Grian emerged from the bathroom. His forehead beaded with sweat and his arms wrapped around his torso.
He occupied the place he'd previously sat but things where... different.

"Did you just take a cold shower?" I knew he must have because his teeth where clambering together. Cheeks ablaze, Grian was ready to deny.

"If you're tired you could have just said so instead of dunking yourself in cold water to stay awake mate." I starred at the shivering man in conflict.

"Of course!" Grian shouted. "I-I mean yeah, good Idea. We should get to bed now, those panels aren't gonna moderate themselves." Grians usual laugh was now small.

I was about to get up and retire towards the couch when I was stopped. "H-hey Mumbo, do you mind staying. I'm just really c-cold."

I didn't mind at all, the couch would have been torture. I should have said screw being a gentleman from the beginning.

I moved back into the bed and sighed deeply as it was super comfortable. "Thanks Gumbo, sleep well," Grian said dreamily.

I usually faced the right when I slept and I guess Grian was the opposite because we where quite awkwardly face to face. This was the perfect time to reveal how I wasn't a spoon for once.

"If the thing with the shower happens again, just ask me for help next time. I'm more experienced then you might think."

It was pitch black but I still managed to see Grian squeeze his eyes shut and heard him groan in frustration. "Shut up Mumbo."

He faced the other way seeming to be done with whatever this was. "And don't think I won't take you up on that offer sometime."

Grian said with a dry tone making me feel weird. There was nothing I could do to get rid of the smirk that was definitely on the blond's face.

There was nothing we could do that wouldn't make Iskall hate us forever so I settled. "Sweet dreams Grian."

He fell asleep losing his puppy-like curiosity along with his consciousness and I soon followed.

. . . .

Comment any drawing prompts and thanks for reading.

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