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Mumbo and Grian are on the hunt for a kitty to be their new flatmate. After turning down potential animals from three different adoption shelters they decided a break was well needed.

They continued the rest of the week being all domestic and cute until the inevitable need to pet an animal slowly consumed them.

"So, what are our plans for tonight?" Mumbo asked after he and Grian coincidentally stepped out of their separate offices at the same time.

"Well Scott did invite us round for dinner." Replied Grian as the two made their way into the lounge to keep up conversation.

After shooting their good friend aka dangthatsalongname a text that they'd be over, there was nothing left to do then lounge around the house.

Mumbo was spread out against the black coloured couch in contentment when Grian brought up cats again.

"What did you think of Benny from Planet Rescue?" Grian's change of the subject probably meant that he was trying to distract himself, seeing as dinner was a couple hours away it made sense.

"Uh, was that the one with the different coloured eyes?" Mumbo sifted through the mental images of all the adorable rescues he's seen over the week.

After a huff of disapproval Grian turned away from the man and looked at the television. Over the past week Grian couldn't help but feel like Mumbo didn't want a kitty as much as he did.

Of course sitting and putting Mumbo through the mere thirty seconds of silent treatment didn't do much of anything, he was faced with a big boy decision.

Tell Mumbo how he really felt or continue to be childish and expect Mumbo to guess what was wrong.

When those thirty seconds ended in another huff Grian turned back to the other man to meet his worrying eyes. Mumbo held his arms open for Grian to come closer and Grian quickly went with the former of the two decisions.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Mumbo asked after planting a kiss on the top of the blond's head. He truly had no idea what could be upsetting Grian so much, but did plan on fixing it.

"The cat with one blue and one green eye was Clover and he was the second last cat we saw." Grian wouldn't get anywhere if he didn't admit what was exactly bothering him but it seemed he was trying to prolong the inevitable.

"Oh, that was the maine coon wasn't it?" Mumbo said pulling away to look at Grian's eyes. Mumbo's smile faltered when Grian avoided his contact once again.

"I just wanted to know if we were on the same page." He could admit that he was a little afraid that Mumbo might want to wait longer before getting their furry companion.

Mumbo has mentioned that having a pet together felt almost like having a human child. Maybe the decision was weighing more on the dynamics of their relationship then Mumbo's willingness to get a pet.

"On the same page about what? whether Clover was a Maine coon. I mean, I haven't met a lot of Maine coons in my life and I can't say that I've ever seen one with quite an interesting mutation." Mumbo rambled not quite picking up on Grian's intent.

"No that's not what I was talking about I-" Grian was cut off when Mumbo was convinced that he understood what he was actually trying to get at.

"You are completely right, I agree it would be impossible for a Maine coon to have those colored eyes. I guess that only means someone lied to us." Mumbo looked down at Grian's unimpressed expression.

"I'll just let you finish then." Mumbo sat up slightly resulting in Grian leaning against his side. now that Grian had his attention there was no way he wouldn't follow through.

Grumbo: One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now