Just Friends - 2

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Oliver's pov

After everyone stopped laughing at Charles's funny joke it seemed to ease the tension in the room a bit. Symme had explained to me what spin the bottle had entailed.

She said she wasn't really into it but played for the gossip afterward. I thought that was a valid enough excuse so I agreed with her, and she seemed pleased by it. I'm sure it was the right choice.

I for one wasn't really interested but I'm always up for trying new things. "You never know though, it could be really fun."

Whomever the bottle lands on that's the person you have to kiss, it seemed simple enough. Symme spun first, the bottle went around the circle twice before landing on Natalie(Stress).

Most of the group groaned in disappointment, "What happens now?" I wondered aloud. "We have to re-spin the bottle.

Now, this I didn't understand but I continued to play along. Symme re-spun the bottle with gusto and this time it went around the circle three times before it landed on... me.

Most people began making noise either giggle sneakily or blatantly chanting for Symme and I to kiss. I looked to Charles for reassurance only to find that he was no longer there.

When I turned back towards Symme, she was already leaning in with her eyes shut. I didn't think I would but, I panicked.

Right when our lips where about to meet I turned my face and her lips brushed against my cheek before she opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry Symme but, I can't kiss you." I hope I didn't hurt her feelings when I told her this. "W-why not?" was all she asked but she didn't seem too happy that I gave her the cold shoulder.

"I can't because I have a crush on someone, someone else." I had a crush on someone and it wasn't Symme. The realization of that fact hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Continue the game guys, I'll be back." I took off running out the room and down the stairs. I probably looked crazy but I felt as if I discovered something very important.

"David?" I skidded to a halt at the end of the staircase as I was met by David. "Woah kiddo, where are you zooming off to?"

"Uh I can't really talk now, h-have you seen Charles?" I was out of breath but I knew what I needed. "He went for some air, in the back yard, wh-"

"Thanks!" I shouted, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get in trouble for that later. I was already outside looking for Charles at this point.

Charles sat in the center of the yard in the single beam of sunlight not being blocked by a cloud. That's how I felt right about now, like that single beam.

"Hey Charlie, can I sit with you?" I asked politely but descended into a seated position before he could reply. "Be my guest," He said sarcastically.

He hadn't looked at me this whole time. "H-how was it, with Symme." He would have known if he stuck around.

"I don't really know," I said causing him to look up at me for the first time. "What does that mean?" Charles's confusion made me giggle a bit.

It was fun messing with him like this so I decided to push it. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked wriggling my eyebrows unconvincingly.

"Yeah, that's why I asked." Charles punched me on the shoulder pathetically then let his hand fall next to mine. I felt the sudden urge to reach out and grab it so I did.

I felt Charles tense up but he didn't let go. I tried to look at his face but he'd turned his head towards the ground.

"C'mon Oliver, stop being a spoon for once and just tell me." Charles managed to say weakly. I am always taking Charles's advice. After all, we're going to high school and I'm pretty sure it won't be like this forever.

"This is gonna be the last time I'm so quick to do what you tell me to," I say while using our interlaced hands to pull him closer to me.

I gently grabbed his chin with my other and he looked into my eyes again. He didn't seem bothered by our close proximity so I pulled him in closer.

I felt his breath tremble against my lips and his voice replayed in my head. "Stop being a spoon for once and just-"

Everything moved in slow motion as our lips met and meshed together.

Comment for a part three if you want it...


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