Just Friends - 3

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Almost as quickly as it started it ended and I felt Charles pull away from me. The sun began to drown out from behind us.

"Y-you, why would you do that?" Charles was furious with me but I didn't know why. He seemed to have enjoyed it just as much evidently if not more.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?" I was hearing but I wasn't understanding the words that were coming out.

He sounded scared but I wasn't able to tell him it would be alright. This has got to be one of the worst feelings in the world.

"Well don't just stand there, say something!" Charles was in tears and a red tint colored his face.

Before I could answer Charles took off running toward the back gate and he left. I was torn, I couldn't follow him cause my mum and dad would worry.

Not to mention, the party was technically still going on without me.

~The next day~

Oliver's pov

I woke up in an anxious panic rising to a seated position and my eyes scanned my messy bedroom. Needless to say, things got pretty wild while I was standing in my back garden. After my best friend ran away from me... on my birthday.

"Oliver, c'mon down and help with the mess dear." Says Linda from the other side of the door.

Today will consist of tidying the house, watching Spongebob, and playing Minecraft... I was alright with that.

"I'll be down in a minute," I shouted louder than necessary.

When I no longer heard footsteps I hopped out of bed and pulled on a brand new jumper I received as a present yesterday. Naturally, I assumed it was from David's mum because it was itchy as heck, but I was too lazy to change so I ignored the details.

I was ready after doing my morning routine and headed down the stairs towards the smell of freshly pressed waffles with syrup.

"Mhmm, that smells lovely" I walked into the front lounge to find David, Linda, and the current keeper of my heart.

"Uh...hey Charles." I awkwardly slide onto the barstool next to Charles. David handed me a plate of food and both he and Linda were off to work. It wasn't unusual for Charles to have breakfast at the Brotherhood household, but given the situation, I couldn't help but feel taken aback.

"Hey, you're wearing my jumper, " Says Charles pointing to the jumper with syrup dripping from his hands. I shrugged out of his reach instinctively.

"Wash your hands first," Charles rolled his eyes in reply then moved to the kitchen sink to wash them. "Uh, a little help..." Charles demanded.

I breathed loudly, annoyed at the shorter boy. I turned the water on for him and he rinsed his hands haphazardly.

I knew it was coming, I turned off the water as quickly as I could but looking me right in the eye he had already begun to shake his hands sending water everywhere. "Chaarless!"

I ran away from him and out to my favorite hiding tree in the garden. "Boo," Says Charles popping up behind me just when I thought I'd lost him.

I grabbed his hands in a cuffing fashion so he would stop getting water on me and he began walking me backward. "What are you doing," I asked still holding on. "What are you doing to me Oliver."

"You aren't still mad about yesterday are you?" I say becoming embarrassed at what I had done to my best friend. "I could never stay mad at you Oli," Charles says intensely.

"R-really cause you seemed pretty upset," I flinch as I finally hit the tree. Charles lets out a huff, "well I had a chance to think about what you did." he said as he pulled me down so we were both sitting under the tree.

A lump forms in my throat at the thought of Charles and I not being friends because of it. "yeah, I kinda decided that I hate you." Charles smirks evilly at my presumed ghostly expression.

"Charlie you cant honestly mean that." It stung me harshly to hear those words. "You've ruined my plans," I was caught in his beautifully confusing feelings.

It felt as if he were saying the opposite of what he meant. "Symme told me about your little crush". With his hands on either side of my legs Charles leaned in.

I don't know how this will end and that scared me more than this moment. "Kiss me Oliver?" Charles pressed and I breathed in his familiar scent that I had been denied of just the day before.

"What about your plans?" I asked when we were paused both out of breath. Charles blushed furiously and his eyes seemed to return to its natural color.

"They where dumb plans, forget it." Charles stood up and held his hand out for me. I followed his lead, back into the house.

"I should've known it was you who got me this jumper," I said slinging an arm around his shoulder as we fit through the door frame.

"That's absurd, how else would you have known beside reading the card?" Charles counters pointedly. Contrary to popular belief, he was no match for my brains this time.

"Cause you like to see me suffer and squirm." I stick my tongue out at the now stunned Charles. "N-no, its because I know you're lazy and you would wear it anyway." Charles moves to the kitchen and doesn't give me a chance to reply.

"You're kinda right at that but also, you got me a card?" I genuinely was amazed at this fact. "That's the gayest thing you've ever done for me." I snickered at the encroaching Charles.

"Not the gayest thing." His says, eyes falling to my lips for a split second then back to my eyes. "Actually you're wrong, that was the gayest thing right there. Not even the actual kiss was that gay." I laugh more freely at Charles's reddened state.

"Shut up, I'm leaving you to clean up by yourself." Charles challenged me once again. "Oh and I'm sure Linda found the card I wrote, so that's pretty embarrassing, for you."

"Besides, I only dropped it off this morning, in case I chickened out on doing... well you know." Charles was already halfway through the front door about to take off again.

"Leaving so soon?" I pouted involuntarily.

"I'll be back, read the card please." Grian pecked me on the cheek and was gone. So I guess it wasn't exactly the last time I would take orders from Charles but things have still changed.

I found the card placed at the foot of my bed and scooped it into my hands. Hey tallboy, can't wait for ninth grade. Even though this is the year I'll finally beat you in height, I hope you have tons of fun. - MC pal Grian

p.s. Don't think you're gonna get away with the little stunt you pulled yesterday.

 Don't think you're gonna get away with the little stunt you pulled yesterday

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