Con Buddies

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Mumbo's pov

Iskall, Grian and I have just made it into the creator lounge area of the convention. "We were meant to grab some info then go to the rooms youtube has prepared for us, but I can't stop laughing," Mumbo said trying really hard to stop laughing at the two idiots in front of him.

"Day number one and I have a feeling that we're all gonna get real close. Close to losing our minds." Says Iskall followed by his and my laughter.

"I know, talking on discord is one thing but irl for three days. To quote the greats, Lord give me strength." Grian then also started cracking up.

"Hey guys, you all ready for tomorrow's panels?" A wild Markiplier said walking by. He nodded my way helping me to realize that we weren't the only ones on this earth.

"Thanks Mark, yeah guys we should probably get settled in for the rest of the night." Iskall and Grian agreed and we shuffled into an elevator that would take us up to our floor.

During the small traveling distance my mind began to drift. It wasn't technically day 1 of the convention. Today was the arrival day, when all the youtubers from different countries could make it here and sleep off some jet-lag before the actual event.

That also means that there will be no partying or drinks, or much of anything until the official day one. I couldn't help but think of this as more of a relief.

~Time skip~

When we got to the rooms there were gifts from youtube spread nicely across the beds. One bed had an elephant onesie and the other had a chicken and a Shiba Inu. 

Then I realized there were only two beds. What, did youtube blow their budget on onesies? Iskall had already landed on the bed with the elephant onesie.

Grian on the other hand was desperately trying to choose between the cock and the Shiba. "Here, I'll make it easier for you," I said joining him on the other side of the room.

I grabbed the Shiba costume in my left hand and handed him the chicken onesie with my right. "The sheeb will look cuter on me, don't you agree?"

His face flushed red either due to embarrassment of the inevitable being a giant cock or well I don't really know what else.

"I'm sure it will," Grian said sounding sarcastic and then disappeared into the bathroom. "Am I the only one who's realized that there are only two beds." I then blurted out.

When Iskall was finished inspecting his elephant onesie he began to reply  "This is pretty common but I'm sure we can make it work."

Iskall then crossed the room to knock on the bathroom door and tells Grian to hurry up. Once again my mind began to race.

I guess it is common for a hotel room to have two beds max, but if we requested a room for the three of us, I just assumed we would all be accommodated... somehow.

When we where all settled in our onesies, it was time to get some food. 

~Time skip~

A knock on the door was accompanied by a gentle voice "Room service." This caused Grian to look at me evilly but I already knew what was up.

We where both sat on the couch watching the television but at this point, turned round to face the door.

"Not it!" We shouted simultaneously but I could have sworn I said it before him. "Thanks, I'll take that," Iskall could be heard already talking to the bellboy.

Grian looked up to me and raised his hand for a high five witch I happily met with my own. Iskall walked back into the room with the tray of food causing me to get really excited.

"Omg, Mumbo look," Grian was focused on something else. my eyes followed where he was pointing, in Iskalls direction, I noticed Iskall was blushing furiously.

"Was he that cute, I wanna see him," After Grian said this I could tell Iskall was becoming uncomfortable as he looked away from us.

I reached my hand towards Grian and lightly pinched his shoulder. "Hey what was that for?" Grian replied rubbing his shoulder and pouting at me.

"You're embarrassing him," I said nodding in Iskalls direction.  Grian just looked at me with a slightly confused expression. "Stop doing that, you big baby." Taking the pillow beside me I hit him in the side causing him to lose the pout.

"Iskall save me, Mumbo is violent when he's flirting," Grian shouted running towards the man in the elephant costume.

This made me freeze in place, I hadn't realized I was flirting. My brain was torn between thinking about food and what Grian just said.

I'll ignore it for food's sake, "Why were you so flustered after talking to the bellboy anyway?" I asked making my way over to help Iskall set out the food.

"Well, seeing a grown man in an elephant onesie is pretty unusual, and he was pretty cute too. So it's just even more embarrassing." Iskall rushed out.

"I feel your pain buddy," Grian replied now also blushing. "Really!?," I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Y-yeah, I've had many late night pizza orders where I forget that I'm, in air quotations indecent," Grian explains to Iskall and I. 

Okay, I'm pretty sure I didn't need to know that and now its gonna be all I can think about, just great. After grabbing my food I resume my previous seat on the couch.

This is definitely gonna be a long three days.

Thank you for reading to the end :3 Part 2 maybe?

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