Public Service

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Grian's pov

"We're going to the zoo, we're going to the zoo," Mumbo continues singing this around the house as he prepares for today's expedition.

I on the other hand am not very excited. We have to take public transit according to Mumbo, it is more environmentally friendly.

"Are you ready to go babe," Mumbo asks me whilst smoothing out his mustache. "You're so cute especially when you're excited, how could I reply with anything other than a yes."

"Stop being cute we have to go or we'll miss the train." Mumbo had a distracted sparkle in his eyes. I grabbed his hand as we exited the house and dawned onto the streets with purpose.

~Time skip~

Mumbo had been trying to flag down a public service bus for the past 5 minutes when I noticed a bunch of people standing next to a promising looking shelter. "Mumbo have you ever taken the bus before?"

"Yeah, a few times with my Mum why do you ask?" Mumbo says cupping a hand over his right eye while looking up and down the street.

I assume it was his interpretation of a single binocular, but you can never be too sure with Mumbo. Or maybe its a monocle.

We moved to stand outside the shelter and in no time at all, the bus appeared in front of us. "Thank you very much kind one." Mumbo spoke to the driver with an overly posh British accent as he paid for the ride.

I giggled along after him as we found seats mid way through the bus. We often dared each other to do these types of social stunts, but I didn't even have to bribe him this time.

I think the high from the excitement has gone straight to his head by now, surely. He better be okay enough to read the directions at least.

"Grian, help me get some shots for the filming channel? Mumbo handed me his fancy camera with tons of cool flashy buttons causing me to get distracted.

"Okay, how about I film you instead." Mumbo took the camera back skeptically causing a pout to form on my lips.

"What should I do?" I let the camera man direct me expertly, Mumbo filmed some b-roll and captured a few action shots.

"These are gonna look great once I edit them together, nice job Gri." Mumbo held up his hand for a high five.

"Sometimes I forget how much of a nerd you truly are Gumbo." I shook my head at him, but I couldn't leave him hanging.

Honestly, we're both pretty huge nerds. "London zoo, I think we'll have to get off here." Mumbo holds onto a bar to stabilize himself as he got up to press the stop button across from us.

Looking back at me Mumbo holds out his hand and I take it wavering only a bit. If I rode the bus daily I'd probably get buff.

We were off the bus and now standing on the grounds of the zoo's massive car park. Not gonna lie, I love traveling with Mumbo but I'm still not excited about the zoo.

However, I quickly suppressed those feeling as Mumbo was vibrating with excitement of the animals again. Walking to the admissions office Mumbo and I paid for our tickets and waited for the automated gates to open.

"Enjoy your trip cutie." Said the handsome ticket admin. I wasn't sure if he was referring to Mumbo or mysel-

"Aww, that's so nice of you to say. Grian isn't that sweet of him to say?" I nodded my head slowly mostly confused at my boyfriend's actions.

What is he getting at? "Here, some coupons for your adventures." The ticket admin reached behind the counter and fished out some flyers then handed some to me and winked at Mumbo.

Just then the gates opened and Mumbo speed through. "Thanks again!" He shouted at the admin and then grabbed my hand dragging me beyond the gates.

"What was that about?" I ask visibly frustrated. "Free food, obviously," Mumbo replied.

I was still heavily confused by his actions and I stopped him by a carousel to answer my question better. "What do you mean, free food?"

"I still find it hard to believe that you were the one to ask me out. It's called being smooth. You compliment the ticket admin you get coupons, and coupons get you free foo-" Mumbo tried to explain but was cut off.

"So you were just using me?" I pointed at him in accusation causing him to blush. "Maybe just a little bit, but did you hear when I said food?" Mumbo was bold once again proud of his little trick.

It felt like the first time I had ever heard those words. Food does sound pretty good right about now.

Almost as if on cue my stomach rumbled in anticipation. "Wait Grian, have you been hangry this whole time?" Mumbo seemed shocked.

It wasn't really a big deal. "I'd like to think that I should have realized sooner. I have known you for almost 5 years now." Mumbo whipped a map out and began scouring it in search of a specific location.

"How does pizza for brunch sound?" Mumbo was confident he had solved all our problems but there was one thing he hadn't accounted for.

"Okay, but can we pwease ride the merry-go-round first?" I batted my eyelash's convincingly enough at the man in front of me.

"Omg yes! I've waited a long time for this. I mean if you're not too hungry I guess we could fit it into our schedule." Mumbo tried to play cool but failed miserably when he took a glance at his nonexistent watch.

"I suggest you keep checking that watch cause that's the most entertainment we're gonna get for a while." I laughed as Mumbo led us into the line up for the carousel.

Honestly, a terrible children's ride with one of England's friendliest giants seemed pretty darn fun. I'm definitely convincing Mumbo to take a cab home though.

. . . .

This is super weird but, the inspiration for this chapter was because of this person I saw on the bus (idk their gender) but I'm pretty sure they were soft. In my country, the public transportation buses have stop lines in addition to the stop buttons and the person flicked the line so delicately when people usually just yank it aggressively then push their way off the bus... yeah that's all (told you it would be weird)

I drew the bus scene :)

Bus scene by me...

There are no other people on the bus cause this is the second time drawing this

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There are no other people on the bus cause this is the second time drawing this. My first more detailed (better) attempt got deleted so yeah...

Grumbo: One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now