Coming Out

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School always seemed endless once he reached his last class of the day. The boy's stomach had a slight grumble and everything thing moved lullingly until he was half asleep.

Then he was woken by the bell, it's terrifying enough to make the boy not want to ever take night classes again, that was for sure. Mumbo was a student at West Chester High school, an American institution he was transferred to when his family moved.

They had a thing called night classes which he thought was a good idea. He never had to wake up at the crack of dawn by an annoyingly alarming timer so, that was a bonus.

Packing up his notebooks into his bags other students doing the same, there was a quiet hum of gossip to go along with it. Mumbo usually didn't indulge in this behavior, being too bored of all things school, and a little to mature if he could say so himself, to actually comment on a matter that wasn't his own.

It wasn't until a certain name got his attention that he turned to the two boys behind him. He's only ever talked to them once before but they did smile and wave at each other in the halls.

Mumbo hoped that was enough to be able to talk to them.

"Did you just say Grian?" Mumbo asked turning around to meet the shifting eyes of Ren and Scar.

"Yeah, you know the kid?" Scar asked trying to read Mumbo's calculated stare.

Mumbo coughed a bluff before answering. "No, I've just-uh, I've been hearing that name a lot lately, what's the deal with the kid anyway?"

Mumbo tried to act like he didn't care too much but he was actually curious. He's heard a range of ridiculous things floating around but one rumor in particular is what had his attention.

"We are not at liberty to confirm or deny any information about the client but-." Ren is cut off by Scar elbowing him in the shoulder.

"You're literally so stupid, half the school knows and Grian said he doesn't care, just tell him the truth." Scar challenged with an amused shake of his head and then continued organizing the papers on his desk.

"Fine but if he gets mad that I told him, We all have to agree that it's your fault Scar," when Scar waves him off  Ren rolled his eyes and turns back to Mumbo

Grian is a student in high school and there are rumors going around that he recently came out, Grian's been out for all his years in the sixth form or high school. It's only now that someone decided to ask him directly that he confirmed it.

"Somehow he is the only out gay boy in the school, he's kissed and hung out with lots of boys but they never ended up reciprocating those feelings," Ren added matter of factly.

Mumbo went red with the newfound information. He himself was suffering the same thing.

He often felt that it was only a matter of time before he would have the same thing happen to him. He decided a long time ago that he would not deny it if anyone asked.

"Most were just as a dare or a "one-time thing," Ren confirmed and Scar rolled his eyes this time.

"Maybe you want to keep your voice down a bit, I'm gonna go hand this in now." Scar wheels away to put his assignment on the teacher's desk and to get away from Ren's gossiping habit.

Although Grian and Mumbo weren't known to each other and Mumbo wasn't completely sure that they had a single thing in common besides their sexualities, he thought it would be a lovely idea to befriend the kid.

Not expecting anything to happen besides gaining a new friend and Grian, an ally.

"As his best friends, I feel like that was way too much information to give out. Maybe don't tell anyone else that information. I can see why Grian would be mad."

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