Wedding Bells

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Grian awoke to the sound of a bear making out with a chainsaw, or so he thought. Upon further inspection he quickly realized it was instead a mustached man.

A mustached man indeed, the man of his dreams. "Mumbo, get up," Grian said ruffling his hair in a weak attempt to wake him.

Grian gave up when he heard the resident birds outside. At least he thought they were outside.

Grian thought tree hut Airbnb would be fun and cute, but never again. Mumbo will never let him have the final decision on these sorts of things again he had convinced himself.

Running through the hut he chased cardinals off the furniture. "Hey Gri, what if we descended onto the wedding from the treetops like monkeys do." Asked a very sleepy Mumbo in the adjacent room.

Grian chuckled to himself as a newly woken Mumbo was truly a sight to see. "Don't get me wrong, I would love to see that but... I'm not so sure monkeys attend weddings at all."

Grian made his way back to the bedroom to find Mumbo making the bed. "So you're telling me I'm gonna be the only monkey at the wedding, if I had known that I wouldn't have come all this way." Mumbo could barely finish the sentence without laughing at his own joke.

Grian groaned in faux pain and disappointment. "C'mon Gri, it wasn't that bad." Grian shook his head refusing to agree with the statement.

Grian reached out and attached his body to Mumbo's tall frame almost like a Koala. "I love you Mumbo, never change."

Mumbo looked down at the smaller man hanging off of him and smiled. With a warm feeling in his cheeks he replied, "I love you too Gri... but you're crushing my rib cage."

They burst into a fit of giggles leaving them both out of breath.

. . . .

Thanks again for reading, please comment any suggestions for future chapters.

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