Heartless - 2

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"And those bright blue eyes can only meet mine across a room filled with people that are less important than you." Of Monsters and Men - Love Love Love


Standing stiffly in my custom tailored suit I wait for my mum and Mark to call on me. Staring out the window I could see Grian and his parents pulling in through the entrance gates.

*knock knock

A knock at the door was followed by mum's husband Mark pocking his head into the room, "The guests have arrived" he informs me.

"Yes, I can see that" Sticking my hands in my pockets I nod a thank you as he opens the door further for me to exit along with him. 

The long corridor seems to stretch for miles in the awkward silence that tends to follow me. The cool polished marble floors felt compromising it such attire, I was bound to loose my balance. At least that's what I though every time I found myself in the halls of this massive house. I tied to let myself be content with the sound of echoing foot steps and I completely missed when Mark asked me a question.

"Oliver, did you hear what I said?" Mark stood a couple feet behind and I turned my body to face him.

"Sorry, I'm listening now."

We continued walking along side each other as Mark spoke quickly. I didn't pay much attention to what Mark had been saying and I don't think he was either. Once we arrived at the doors to the back garden I was given instruction from the maids to collect Grian from the restrooms and meet both our parents at the outdoor dinning area.


Grian and I walked silently through the maze of hedges that led to the dining area and he seemed to be easily distracted by the decorations the maids had put up. In the center of the garden we found it completely decked out with autumn colors, gords, and decorative pumpkin of all sorts.

"Damn, these people move quickly." I mumbled to no one in particular. Of course Halloween was over by now, but I hadn't expected an entire new design to be ready before daybreak.

"Have you always lived here?" I asked Grian, breaking his daze.

Grian blinked at me passively but turned away when answering. "Yeah nothing new happens here, expect... you know..."

He was looking at me again but in a different light. As the scenic hedges grew, they shielded the sun causing the light to take on a green tint and it brought out the green in his eyes.

"Except what?" a hand instinctively flew to tangle in my hair as I thought over Grians reply. What had changed that didn't seem typical in a rich neighborhood of snobby teens and their much snobbier parents?

But before he could answer we where ushered towards the large table, it was located in the center of the maze that the hedges created. In the opening sat mine and Grian's parents.

"Wont you join us boys?" Mum calls from the head of the table causing the others to stop their conversation to stare at the two of us.

"But of course ma'dam." Grian says slyly. I could have sworn I saw him wink at her before turning to smirk at me, once we reached close enough to the table he held a hand in front of him gesturing for me to take a seat.

I looked at him awkwardly before sitting down and he pushed my chair in for me before sitting in the chair next to mine.


Meal after meal came out of the kitchen and I wondered if we would ever actually begin eating. When my mum and Mark brought up the topic of hiring I knew this would be a long night.

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