Old Frames

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Request by xXderpymerpXx - Mumbo finds an old picture of him and Grian, a day before hermitcraft 6 started, and it reminds Mumbo of when times were simpler.

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Grian paces back and forth in the Sahara meeting room as he waits for Mumbo. Iskall had said his piece and had to leave early, he suggested Grian followed but Grian had faith that Mumbo would show.

. . .

It's midday as Mumbo is doing chores around his base. He is admiring his chicken free space when he realizes what a huge mistake he has made.

Grian and Iskall were expecting him to be at the Sahara meeting room and he hasn't messaged them to cancel or to go on without him. There was no doubt in his mind that two men wouldn't be waiting for him.

Mumbo begins going through his previously organized belongings in search of his elytra. he knew he should never take if off because he tended to lose things very easily but the wings were heavy and they got in the way a lot when cleaning.

Not like it mattered now anyway, Mumbo took a few steps back to take in the mess that seemed to multiply with each chest he opened. 

Finally among the ruble Mumbo noticed the glowing mending protected wings poking out from under a stack of cObWeBs!

Mumbo cursed to himself for not throwing those away sooner or stocking them in Sahara at least. The webs gave him the heebeegeebees but he had to grab his elytra quickly if he wanted to avoid being scolded by Grian and Iskall.

Unbeknown to Mumbo, Grian was still loyally waiting for his business partner.

Mumbo breathed in bracing himself for the hopefully brief contact he would have to make with the webs as he tried to free his elytra from its grasp.

Leaping into action Mumbo blindly runs for his elyra with nothing but a mission and shear determination.

"Owwwh" Mumbo begins to howl as excruciating pain consumes him. Picking his foot off the ground Mumbo hoppes away from the mess still holding on to his foot.

"Ow"                                                "ouch"

                               "Ow"                                                                               "ah"



                            "Ow                                     "Ow"                      

             "ah"                                                                    "ouch"


Tears threatened to spill from his eyes and he was glad that no-one was around to see a grown man cry just this once. Although, if they've ever stepped on a lego piece before, they would not judge him for how he's reacting right now.

When the pain wore off after cradling his foot to his chest and rolling on his back he had a newfound determination, tO fInD tHe ThInG tHaT dId It!

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