No Hesitation

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Klaus' POV

I wake to find Dahlia standing near me in an old village. "And thus Niklaus, you find yourself here. With me."

"Dahlia." I feel a pain in my heart and see a wound with blood seeping out. "What have you done to me?" I'm weak as I stand. "Where are my daughter and Sofia?" I rush at her but she appears now behind me. "Get out of my head."

"I'm not in your head. You're in mine. As I lie daggered by your own beloved have no choice but to listen. I have a proposition for you. Come along."

"Spare me the agonizing boredom and explain what it is you want." I order her.

"Quiet." Dahlia orders me. I watch with her as we look on at a village.

"I've no use for demented dreamscapes..."

"Niklaus, listen." I hear people screaming and Viking's slaying the villagers. Dahlia takes me over to where younger versions of my aunt and mother are hiding from the Viking. I watch as  Viking grabs my mother and Dahlia retaliates and they are apprehended by the Viking.

"Let me guess the Vikings slaughtered the entire village?"

"Esther and I were the only ones who survived. Who promised to stay together. Always and forever."

"A familiar promise, but then you knew that. I suppose you think that makes us kindreds."

"Not exactly. What I mean to show you is that we can be allies." Dahlia leads me into a little shack.


"This dismal hovel is where I endured the terrors of Viking captivity...for years." Young Dahlia comes in as she is thrown by a Viking to the ground. "I performed the dark magic they that Esther would be free of their violent abuse. While she was out in the sung gathering herbs, I toiled in the gray of this room. But I never resented her. We'd made a promise."

"Is this your feeble attempt to garner sympathy? To what end? No ancient plight will ever justify your intention to enslave my daughter."

"Oh, Niklaus, our plights are the same." Now my mother comes in dressed with flowers on her head and a smile on her face. I listen as my mother declared her love for Mikael over her promise to Dahlia to start her own family. Young Dahlia falls to the floor sobbing after being denied by her own blood and it does hit me to the core.

"So Esther was cruel. You'll excuse my complete lack of surprise. Seems as it does run in the family. She left me for one of the very men who slaughtered our village and stole us away. My own sister abandoned me. Just as your siblings have done. And like you...I have been unjustly painted. As the villain of the story."

"If you have a deal to propose then find my body and undagger me." I demand of her.

"Oh. I have the means to undagger you. I'm just not finished here."

"I don't care about my mother..."

"What I have to show you next is not about your mother, it's about your daughter. And if you have any chance to save her from what is to come...I suggest you listen." Dahlia leads me through some of the village.

"Very cliché. Tell me did you inspire witches of Grimm lore? Enslaving young girl in a hut on the edge of a dark forest." I mock her. "I suppose you plan for this to be Hope's fate."

"I did not enslave Freya. I kept her from those who abused our craft, demonized us...and most importantly, I shielded her from herself." Freya comes out and begins to light a huge bonfire which Dahlia comes out worried for her. Her magic comes out of control as she gets angry and it reminds me somewhat of Sofia's magic in the beginning but not that extreme. Dahlia calms Freya down.

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